
July 20, 2018

WHEN: 07/20/2018
QIC: Muzungu (VQ) & Nickelback co-Q
PAX: Buffay, Fish and Chips, Toast McQueen, Milton, Nubbin, Cortes, Limburger, Fancy Pirate

The Pax gathered around the flag in the Northern Province with excitement. It had been an epic week in the Northern Province of F3 Churham. Monday we celebrated the 9-month anniversary of The Rock AO, endured a soon to be classic tennis court themed workout at The Skunk AO, and enjoyed a fantastic F2 event of fellowship later that same night. During the F2 event we learned one of our very own, Blistex would be moving from Hillsborough to Kansas City to test who really has the better BBQ. He stated Friday would be his last post in F3 Churham and the excitement started to build. We also had Muzungu scheduled for his VQ with YHC batting clean-up and the anticipation continued to build as we got closer to Friday morning.

Unfortunately, life got in the way of Blistex who had a longer than expected packing experience and the movers worked until 0300 so he was pre-emptive in notifying us of his impending fartsack. No problem we could still honor Blistex and enjoy Muzungu’s VQ and here is how we did it!


Muzungu quickly learned how easy it is to go past your desired count of 10 when you have the “Q-drenaline” so we had some reps of 10, 12, 11, etc to ensure the Pax were awake and ready for anything he threw at us!

  • Little Baby Arm Circles (10ish)
  • Willie Maze Haze (10ish)
  • SSHs (10ish)
  • Good Mornings (10ish)

The Thang: Part 1

Muzungu divided the Pax into 2 teams and gave us all a pep talk about how competition drives better results. He then mentioned something about a parking deck. The pax started to get focused as we sought the ultimate championship trophy of Top Deck. Here is how we went to the top:

  • Moseyed up to first landing for 15 merkins & 15 mountain climbers
  • Karaoke up to the second landing for 20 manmakers
  • Sprint up to the third landing for Trifecta Calf raises (in honor of Blistex’s favorite exercise) 20 regular/20 out/20 in
  • Butt kickers up to the fourth landing for 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey all the up to the top landing for the big finale of 20 squats/20 high knee jumps/20 lunges/20 splitjacks

The Pax asked for a demo for splitjacks. At this point Muzungu proceeded to show us something that looked like a dance move shuffle which YHC hopes lives on forever as the Muzungu Dance at future Qs. And with that Muzungu dropped the mic and handed over co-Q duties to YHC.

The Thang: Part 2

The Pax paired up and YHC we would do reverse wheelbarrows…it seemed like a good idea at the time. We went in waves 2×2  down from the top level, leaving the beautiful sunrise landscape over Hillsborough to stare at the ground trying to move backwards until reaching burnout and flapjacking until we reached the bottom landing. There was much praise to the conclusion of this exercise as we moseyed to the stairwell. However we would soon complete what Fish & Chips would later call “One of your Top 10 Worst Ideas.” I took pride in producing such a grand statement.

Since the pax didn’t care for going backward, the next exercise was forward. We bear crawled down the flight of stairs. Thankfully no teeth were lost in this exercise and everyone eventually made it 5 flights down slightly more tired than before.

In honor of Blistex, we then brought over 3 logs from their resting place and by bolas negras. With 2 Pax on each log and the rest on the nearby benches we completed the following:

  • 20 curls
  • 20 dips
  • 20 shoulder presses
  • 20 dips
  • 20 shoulder presses
  • 20 dips

We put up the logs and moseyed to the ground floor of the parking deck. It was time to get to know one another. YHC explained that we would all be in People’s Chair while 1 pax member shared the following:

  • Their hospital name
  • What the do
  • Why the do it
  • Their favorite exercise

Naturally, we did the favorite exercise down the line in-between alternating people chair holds and balls to the wall. It was just fantastic. Here is a summary of some of the Pax favorite exercises:

  • lunges (4 in cadence)
  • monkey humpers (10 cadence)
  • burpees (10)
  • boxer crunches (10)
  • squats (10)
  • WWIIs (10)
  • man makers (10)
  • 3 more that need to stay top secret until YHC recalls….

And just like that it was 0614 so we moseyed back to the flag and crushed it with some namorama.


  • Cocopalooza continues at TBL
  • Uncle Possom is in Aug see Nubbin for details
  • Prayers for Blistex/family moving


I confess, writing these backblasts can seem like a chore and get swept underneath the rug amongst all the to-do items. However, it’s always rewarding reflecting on what was accomplished in the gloom and how incredible it is that we can push one another a little bit harder each day we come out. Props to the Hillsborough crew for staying committed and seeing new guys get plugged in with Milton and new guys stepping up to Q with Muzungu. You get the next BB Dancing Muzungu!
