
June 25, 2021

WHEN: 06/18/2021
QIC: Mothman
PAX: Monte Cristo, Brotox, Marky Mark, Quint, Chum, Nitro and Yanni
  • Mutiny – noun – an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers.
  • Mutiny – verb – refuse to obey the orders of a person in authority.

It was another glorious Friday in Chatham County and it was well past my turn to lead a workout at #thewall. It had been over a years since I’ve had the privilege of leading an F3 workout. I knew I would be rusty, but I wanted to keep things simple to ensure I could make it through. So I brought a deck of cards to keep the PAX involved and add some variety to the affair.


SSH, Willie-Mays-Hayes, Merkins, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers

Main Event: 

After a robust warm-up the PAX moseyed down to the tennis courts. We started off with some old school suicides. After this brief cardio adventure the PAX circled up. It was a classic deck of cards work out. Each suit was associated with either Merkins, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers and Maintain Climbers. Each PAX would participate by drawing a card and leading the reps for said exercise.

We made it around our circle once and I sensed trouble. The PAX were questioning my card shuffling skills after we drew hearts on 6/7 turns. Clearly I didn’t do a great job after organizing the cards to ensure I had a full deck. I could sense the situation was tenuous, at best. The PAX were restless. Instead of calling the necessary audible I decided to give it another round. Surely math would win out and the variety I expected would start to show itself. This was not to be the case. After another round where we drew hearts on 4/7 turns the PAX decided to take matters into their own hands.

I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but the PAX quickly decided to start calling out their own style of merkins and shortly after started calling their own exercises. It was a valuable lesson for a Q that had been out of the mix for over a year. My reliance on simplicity wasn’t going to cut it for this wiley crew. So the PAX took matters into their own hands.


  • Keep Rambler and his family in your thoughts and prayers
  • Keep Maraschino and his family in your thoughts and prayers


I have no clue what I said during the COT. I do know that there was some discussion on my part of preparation and Father’s day. In the end, I would grade this Q as a Class 3 dumpster fire. It was great to get the first one, in a long time, behind me. I appreciate all the support of the men present that day.