Merkin Mile, Coupons, and Usain Bolts (Oh My!)

December 11, 2020

WHEN: 12/11/2020
QIC: Stinky Pete
PAX: Marky Mark, Buzz Bait, Beaujolais, Yanni, Boyardee, Petri, Dive, Chum, ICE, Splashback, Paper Jam, Stubbs, Duplo, Vice, Bright Idea, Homegrown Berry



Been a while since I’ve Q’d – on the DL all summer and slowing getting back into the swing of things after disc surgery on my back at the end of August. It’s been great to be back out and see friendly faces and restart the slow process of building fitness. I’m laying off Burpees for at least the near future – seems unwise at this juncture – but will drag everyone along as I try to rebuild my strength and stamina. Let’s get after it!


SSH IC x 30, IW IC x 10, FAC IC x 10, RAC IC x 10, tempo squats IC x 10, tempo perfect merkins IC x 10, heel cord stretches SC x 10 bilaterally, wild card (stretch what you need to stretch)

The Thang:

#1 Merkin mile: run a mile, stopping each ¼ mile to do 25 SC merkins. We ran a large loop from the AO to Encore and around, fellowship speed.

#2 Coupon exercises alternating with squats: had pull-ups planned for today, socially-distanced, and didn’t remember until just before the workout that shared workout equipment was a big pandemic no-no. Damn. Everyone grabbed a landscaping rock and moseyed to the bottom of the grass hill. We did 30 SC coupon exercises followed by a run up the hill for 30 SC squats. 3 sets, doing 30 coupon curls, 30 coupon overhead presses, and then finished with 30 coupon curls.

#3 Usain Bolt plank-a-rama: we returned our rocks and the formed a large socially-distanced circle. Each man would take a turn sprinting around the circle and calling out a plank, merkin or Mary exercise to do while the PAX was doing their run. Move CCW, with next-in-line counting the exercise.


#3 above was our Mary


Several great charitable events taking place right now – see Channel for details (Cabbage and Yanni are heading these up). Christmas party has been put on hold due to pandemic spike and logistical issues. Stay tuned.  Bright Idea is heading up a new challenge starting in January.


F3 has been great for my health (has it?) and for my social network. The 1st F is a pretty easy draw, social and great exercise. As a regional expert on repeated injury layoffs, I go into a shell, stop checking Slack, and fall out of the 2nd and 3rd F aspects pretty quickly. Over the 3+ years I have been doing F3 I have seen many regular contributors suddenly disappear and stay gone for years. This may be due to injury, work or family commitments, or other unnamed reasons. I would like to challenge everyone here today (and on the various F3 channels of Churham) to reach out to someone you have come to know through F3 that hasn’t been out in a long time and check in with them. See how they’re doing, let them know you miss seeing them out in the Gloom, and tell them to check out the 2nd and 3rd F channels to keep up with the non-exercise aspects of F3. This would mean a lot to these guys and may entice them back out, but more than anything it shows that F3 is more than just a workout group.

Be safe, love your family, don’t work too hard. Aye!