Make it Up as We Go Along, pt 2 or 3

November 18, 2019

WHEN: 11/18/2019
QIC: Brick
PAX: Mate, EZPass, Buffay, Slice and Dice, Nubbin, Cortes, Toast McQueen, Muzungu, Milton, Amelia

YHC volunteered for another Monday morning Q after Pusher put out the call yesterday afternoon. Feeling unusually confident this last night and this morning, YHC decided not to plan anything out and go with whatever workout popped into my head this morning at 0’dark’Thirty…risky to be sure, but YHC thinks it worked out okay, but the Pax will have to be the judge.

Some combination of: SSH, Willie Mayes Hayes, Imperial Walker, slow body-weight squats, overhead claps, arm circles, and 10 burpees

YHC was in the mood to travel this morning. After the warm-up the Pax began to travel up towards the community college campus. At each intersection we took a break to perform 5 burpees and 5 “squat-jumps” (did I get that right?). After the Pax completed the 5 and 5, we’d continue traveling, as a group, to our destination. Once we arrived at the back of the CC parking lot, we lined up in front of the second to last islands and performed a Usain Bolt down the line. Each Pax would call out an exercise for the remaining Pax to perform while the timer would run to the end of the parking lot and back. Once we went through the line, we performed two rounds of animal movement travel down and back: bear crawl/bunny hop and then gorilla/crab walk + backwards run (not an animal movement). After a brief pause to catch our breath, we RICKY BOBBY’d (did I get that right?) back to the shovel flag for 3 MARY exercises and COT.