Veteran’s Day 2019 – Mini-Murph

November 18, 2019

WHEN: 11/11/2019
QIC: Brick
PAX: Nubbin, Cortes, Nickelback, Muzungu, Milton, Halfback, Buffay

YHC volunteered for the Q last Friday at Duck and Weave when Pusher asked for volunteers. YHC figured Pusher would’ve let this slip his mind, but his Sunday afternoon post to the Slack channel reminded YHC that he needed to come up with a workout. With Veteran’s Day on the calendar, inspiration was easy and YHC decided that the Pax should partake in a Mini-Murph to honor American’s Veterans, past and present.

Mosey to traffic circle
Willie Mayes Hayes
Imperial Walkers
OH Claps
Slow Body-weight squat
Arm Circles
Reverse Arm Circles
Slow Merkins

Mosey to the soccer field and playground
Mini-Murph – start with 4 laps around the soccer field. Then, Pax proceeded to complete 50 pull-ups/100 Merkins/150 BWS. Finish with 4 more laps around the soccer field.
The Pax finished much earlier than expected, so we retreated to the picnic tables for a variety of exercises before returning to the shovel flag for a few MARY exercises and the COT.