Looking for inspiration

December 16, 2018

WHEN: 12/14/2018
QIC: Cortés
PAX: Toast McQueen, Virgo, Nickelback, Muzungu, Pusher, Nubbin, Buffay, Milton, Cortés

YHC has tried to look at the Q sheet a month out and sign up to Q when works with the business of family schedules; December was no different but I also had the goal of being more intentional. If I Q in Hillsborough at least once a week then I can retain the “trip nip” (which nickelback has commemorated with a plaque) into the new year. It is also a challenge that means YHC has to be intentional in checking the calendar as to not miss a Q that was signed up for several weeks in advance. This week YHC had been looking forward to learning how to throw axes and when Thursday rolled around YHC checked the calendar and realized that YHC also had the Q at duck and weave in the morning. Hoping to be inspired for the Q in the morning didn’t exactly happen but had a GREAT time meeting other guys from the Churham PAX and drink beer while throwing axes. So with far less of a plan that YHC is accustomed to here is what we did…

Virgo made his triumphant return after a (multiple) shining example(s) of Murphy’s law, fist bumps all around 5:30 time to go

Warm up

7 PAX dressed for the cold weather YHC the only one in shorts chose for the longer than usual mosey to the top (still covered) level of the parking deck to warm up for warm up.

SSH (IC) x55 ; our 9th PAX took the stairs to meet us part way through and I found it only fitting to allow him some proper SSH warm up as well, although the count did have some mumble chatter that we were going to 100

WMH (IC) x 12

Ports-John chinook (IC) x 10 then reverse

Windmill (IC) x10

Mosey back to the shovel flag at the bottom of parking deck.

The Thang

Throwing axes is NOT like throwing darts. In fact it is a whole body movement and arms over head so that was the inspiration behind combining Jack Webb, Lt. Dan and the parking deck (YHC put a high priority on staying dry this morning).

Lunge walk up first level of parking deck

20 overhead presses

Lunge walk up second level

40 overhead presses

Lunge walk up 3rd level

60 overhead presses

Backwards run down each level (disclaimer to avoid the wet spots and stay on your feet,especially on the last/first level that is steeper)

Stopping to do 40 and 20 more overhead presses.

On the main level 2 cinder blocks awaited the PAX split into two lines for duck walk. PAX in back would run with block to the front and place cinderblock down when last PAX got to the block pick up and run to front of line. Repeat till the far side of main level.

PAX circled up for AMRAP various exercises while one PAX farmer carried blocks to bottom dead end of garage and back.

We did:

Burpees, merkins, gorilla humpers, LBCs, 6in leg holds (we all think buffay walked his carry after calling this exercise out), mountain climbers, smurf jacks and two more

Time for something new and since the back stairwell was dry it was fair game this morning… Modified inch worm up the stairs PAX spread out and did merkin with hands up the stairs then walked feet up to meet and repeated to top level (Squat or plank holds while waiting to start and until all finished). Bear crawl back down squat hold till the 6 finished.


Plank on elbows ring of fire 5 count each. Then everyone did plank jacks while pax took turns counting “their” 5.

Everyone on their 6 for a quick round of Guantanamo


Hillsborough Christmas party at Nickelback’s house Sunday 5 pm (details on slack)

December serve a neighbor bring stuff on Sunday (mark in excel sheet on slack what you are bringing) details on slack Hillsborough channel

Continued prayers for muzungu’s mom and the blood clot in her leg

Virgo introduced headspace app for short mental exercise/meditation that may help those facing stress during the day

Nickelback took us out acknowledging the unspoken prayer requests as well


Although I felt whoa fully unprepared this morning the PAX showed up and were gracious enough to follow along. It is always an honor. SYIG