Jacob’s Tug-o-War

July 5, 2018

WHEN: 07/01/2018
QIC: Big Kat & Mr.Brady
PAX: Our cup runneth over plus FNG Pikachu

Apologies for the delayed and somewhat sketchy BB post.

Last Saturday was a dual Q – which happened to fall into buckets of full-on aerobic and some righteous anaerobic training.


YHC led with Warm Up:

SSH x 25

IW x 10

Nancy Kerrigans x 10/side

LBAC x 10/direction

Yoga inspired stretching


To the Hill

Jacob’s Ladder with 8 Burpees at top and 1 Carolina Dry Dock at bottom, etc.


To the Field

3 rounds of Wham-O with disc sent flying and all running until hits ground then:

Bear crawl (round 1), bunny hop (round 2), crab walk (round 3)


Mr. Brady took the Q reins and had sneakily positioned an official tug-o- war rope at mid-field.


PAX into 2 random groups, then movement of PAX (1 each round) from the loosing side to the winning side until basically balanced. With FNG soon to be named Pikachu as anchor, many PAX ended up shifting from his side to the other. Exercises like merkens, burpees, squats for loosing side, plank for winning side.

Then, tug-o-war for the 5 oldest on each side, then repeat with 5 youngest.


Then we did something else (suicides running backwards?) that I can’t remember exactly but I am sure was awesome.


Announcements, Name-o-rama, and then thoughtful prayers led by Mr. Brady closed us out.