3 Pax got in about 2.5 miles of running before the main event. Cosmo was unable to grace us with his Q presence this morning, after Q’ing everywhere possible in the past week. So Elf, MLP and Cardiac took turns dealing out some pain. MLP led the Pax in a nice warm up with some SSH, willie mays haze, arm circles, good mornings and merkins. However the entire Pax was a bit confused when MLP got so excited that he called out SealClaps but broke out in SealJacks. Once it was clear that MLP could not handle the pressure he handed the reins of the workout over to Cardiac.
The thang part 1: Jog over to the biggest hill in Herndon park (not very long, but semi steep) and partner up. Partner 1 crawl bear down the hill and backwards bunny hop up the hill, while partner 2 burpeed out at the top of the hill, then switch-a-roo. 2nd round was bear crawl down the hill and forward bunny hop up the hill, while partner 2 lunge jumped. Crossed the street to the big grass field and partner 1 sprinted down and back across the field while partner 2 did a 50m bear crawl, then switch-a-roo. Final stop on the Cardiac tour was a 200m sprint from the grass field to Elf’s truck. At this time we had gotten in our cardio so it was time for Elf to pull out his deck of F3 cards.
The thang part 2: Elf had a grand plan of 2 teams playing War with the cards, unfortunately it was dark and some of the Pax had not played War in a couple decades, so it turned into 2 teams flipping over 1 card each and high card won. The entire Pax did the exercise on the card with 10 reps added to the card number. Although a few exceptions were made. There was some confusion on round 1, which MLP won with a 3, Elf’s rule was pick your own exercise (also MLP didn’t realize that there were exercises on the cards) so we did 3 ½ laps around the field. After that most Pax stuck to what was on the card. One exception was made when the 100 flutter kicks card was pulled, it was decided that adding 10 was not necessary.
COT: Thanks to the Cary Pax that made their way to Churham this morning. An effort for a reciprocal visit was be made in the near future. Prayers for Beaker’s family members who undergoing surgery in the near future.