Hangin’ Around

October 20, 2017

WHEN: 10/20/2017
QIC: Moore
PAX: Sir mix a lot, Treehouse, Zika, Boo boo, Fahrvergnugen, DOI, Stevie Ray, Turnpike, Goat Cheese, EPO, Homes, Slug, Slumdog, Hux, Dean Wormer, Blackball, Miagi, Catfish, Foghorn Leghorn, Vandelay, Swingline, Trickle, Eddie the Eagle, Bandcamp

3 PAX secured the perimeter of SV with an 4 mile EC ruck before the full 24 circled up on this fine crisp fall morning.

20 SSH
10 Willie Mays Hayes
10 Good Mornings
10 Windmills
10 Arm Circles

The Thang
The PAX noticed some cinder blocks carelessly left by the parking lot, so we decided to move them to the parking deck (~0.5 miles). Groups of 3 moved each block with one PAX carrying it overhead. When a switch was needed, he hands off the block to the next guy to do 5 blockees while the other two did 10 burpees each. Continue mosy-ing this way until reaching the parking deck. At the parking deck, a few extra burpees while waiting for the full group…

Hangin around in the parking deck… Pair up and train some Spartan muscles.
(2 rounds) One PAX does Top Guns to failure while his partner does bows/toes plank.

(2 rounds) One PAX holds at the top of pull-up position while his partner planks.

(2 rounds) One PAX does dead-hang while his partner planks.

Return cinder blocks to parking lot with overhead carries, blockees/burpees along the way. SSH’s and then a few burpees waiting for all PAX to safely return with their blocks.

With a few minutes to spare, HUX chose some lower body work versus more upper body, so we did 10 sets of Tabata-style squats. Each 30-seconds, do 20 reps and then rest until the 30-second timer goes off. Repeat 10x.

Ring of Fire low-plank hold. 5 merkins for each PAX.


Take the opportunity to change things up periodically, find a new goal, and go for it!