I was inspired when I learned that my namesake, Nickelback had a greatest hits album (pictured above). If the band could have the “best of volume 1” I was convinced the Duck and Weave AO was ready for a greatest hits Q! Thus the Pax gathered themselves in anxious anticipation the morning of August 25th to relive some epic moments from the premiere Hillsborough site.
You learn a thing or two 4 months into an AO. For instance, you learn not to warm-up where the tractor trailer pulls in the parking lot. YHC guided the Pax around the ground floor of the parking garage to start the morning off-safety first!
- SSHs (10x)
- Overhead clappers (10x)
- Carolina Dry Docks (10x)
- Merkins (10x)
The Thang
Track 1: Parking Lot
We moseyed across the parking lot to begin the greatest hits!
- Paint the lines- at the end of each line a burpee until the Pax completed a full circle
- Ostrich walk- shout out to Beano’s introduction
Track 2: Exchange Park Bridge
We then went across the bridge in style with the following exercises:
- Bear crawl
- Crab walk
- Carioca (YHC likes to mispronounce it Karaoke)
- Reverse carioca
Plank hold till the six arrived. We then braced ourselves against the bridge guardrails for some incline merkins (10) and decline merkins (10).
Track 3: Faribault Hill
The Pax turned down Faribault Ln and stopped. It was time to relive some Moscow Mule Mile memories. We partnered up and wheelbarrowed up the hill to the stop sign. Once the summit was mounted the partners jogged back to the start to complete Russian Hammers (10x). Flapjack and repeato.
Track 4: Riverwalk Trail Head
This greatest hit was in honor of Limburger who was busy coaching up some high school football players this morning, but we completed it in his honor. The Pax latched onto the top rail Super Man style shoulder to shoulder down the bridge. As the Pax suspended themselves in mid-air, the six then bear crawled underneath and once he made it to the end he mounted the rail and the new last man started his bear crawling until we reached the end of the bridge. It was awesome. We then moseyed down the riverwalk to….
Track 5: Stickworks
We arrived at the Stickworks ‘A Sight to Behold’ fort and recreated the sketchy stickworks burpee cycle. Thanks to Hightower’s head lamp half of the pax went inside the fort to complete 10 burpees. He had the strobe light cranking and it was legendary just like Nickelback’s greatest hits. The other half stayed on the Riverwalk trail pretending this was not weird and completed some midmorning Mary until the burpees were complete. Flapjack and repeato 3x.
Track 6: Duck and Weave Exercise
We then moseyed back on the Riverwalk trail towards the parking garage. Naturally, we needed to complete the newly approved “Duck and Weave” exercise. This is where the Pax line up as if doing an Indian Run, except it offers more pain. The Pax start duck walking and the six runs to the front by weaving in between each Pax member. Then he joins the rest of the Pax duck walking until we reached Puebla aka (the black balls at the end of the Riverwalk)
Track 7: Monkey Stairs
YHC could not complete a greatest hits of the Duck and Weave AO without some parking garage time. And a memory that burned in our minds from guest Q Kanye was the monkey humper stairs. We ran up a flight of stairs and at each landing we completed 10 Monkey Humpers as the rest of the Pax looked up to the view in horror. YHC went first. Once at the top we completed people’s chair and balls to the wall with 10 counts until the six arrived.
Track 8: Book Return
The most creative exercise that we honored and included in our AO greatest hits was Tater Tot’s library book return. YHC elected not to wake up the 3yr old before leaving the house in the 5 o-clock hour, but ran down to the 2nd floor library book return station as we “returned” books.
The greatest hits tracks were coming to a conclusion but we still had time for a few more!
Track 9: The story of Cinco De Mayo
Launch date for the Duck and Weave was Cinco de Mayo. During this launch Q, YHC retold the story (based on Wikipedia) of Cinco de Mayo. We didn’t have time for the entire story but we circled up by the library drop-off station as YHC quikly described the Mexico’s Civil War between the liberals and conservatives and how it resulted in near bankruptcy of the country, thus we completed a Rink of Fire as homage to Johnny CASH.
- plank hold
- one Pax member would complete a mini burpee from the plank position with palms facing the circle (we call is a squat jump at the Duck and Weave)
- completed the circle 2 x and reversed 2x to feel the burn burn burn….
YHC then quickly recounted how foreign powers of France, Spain, and Great Britain wanted to collect on their debts and started to set sail to Mexico. Thus we completed…Boat/Canoes! The history lesson was over and we were off for our final greatest hit track!
Track 10: Parking Garage Glory
This was a shout out to our many awesome guest Qs (shout-out to CoCo, Avalanche, Sweats) who smoked us on the parking garage. After running down to the ground level of the deck half the pax bear crawled to the top, completed 10 burpees and then ran back down. The remaining Pax were completing some Mary dealers choice awaiting their turn at parking garage glory.
You don’t get to have a greatest hits without having a great core. We completed the morning with some 6-inch leg holds as the proverbial music faded.
- Welcome FNG “Handball”
- Announcement that a 2nd Hillsborough AO was in the works, lead by Buffay for a Monday 0530 option with details to come
- Prayer request for Nickelback’s sister
It’s been an honor to help launch Hillsborough and see the great support of F3 Churham as we pushed our boundaries north. Another great effort from the Pax with a new FNG added to the roster of Duck and Weave members!