I’ve been impressed by the condition of the pax at Kenan, especially considering the average age. It wasn’t uncommon to have up to half the pax get respect during nam-o-rama! Recently we’ve been blessed with an influx of youth. Almost half present today can still be on their parents’ health care! It’s inspiring to see young college age men posting. So while I struggle to tell them apart because apparent men under 25 years of age all look the same to me, I am uber thankful they’re coming out. I’d quote Michael Jackson’s lyrics of We are the World, but then I’d have to tell them who Michael Jackson was.
Warm a Rama
SSH, Seal Jacks, Smurf Jacks, mountain climbers, tempo Merkins, and 5 4x4s OYO
The Thang
Mosey’d round to the football center for some wall work. 4 min AMRAP of:
- 10SC step up each leg
- 10 SC split squats each leg
- 10 SC Spiderman Derkins
Flutters IC as active recovery.
Mosey’d on to the deck. LL Cool Js up to the next turn. First to finish started LBCs and the last pax to arrive picked up the count for 10 IC. Bearpees up to the next. First to finish started LBCs and the last pax to arrive picked up the count for 10 IC. Lt Dan with increasing the squat count by one at each stop.
Mosey’d back to the start for 10 Control Freak Burpos.
Pax took their turn calling and counting. Exercises included Superman rows, Homer to Marge, Bows and Toes, Peter Parker Parker Peter Side Planks, and hammers.