First Q in a long time

April 24, 2019

WHEN: 04/24/2019
QIC: Nescafé
PAX: Germ, Petri, Chum, John Boy, Fieri, Duplo, Stubbs, Paper Jam, Zook, Cricket, Rambler, Nescafé

It had been about 7 months since YHC’s last Q. YHC might’ve pinch-hit for Boyardee at The Jag once, but it was so cold that it sure got erased from YHC’s memory. Here’s to Qing more regularly again.

Warm up

SSH x30 IC

Arm Circles x10IC

Reverse x10IC

Wind Mill x6IC (messed up the count, sorry about that)

Imperial Walker x10IC

Clock Merkin, 3 every hour x12

The Thang

Squat-Bear Crawl-Buddy Merkin Ladder

In pairs. Each partner starts at one end of a road performing 10 squats. Bear crawl to the middle and perform 1 buddy merkin. Jog back. Decrease the number of squats and increase the number of merkins, always adding to 11

BTTW – Lunge Jumps

Partner #1 goes BTTW while partner #2 performs Lunge Jumps. The goal is to reach 300 as a pair. Switch as needed, picking up the count.


Bear crawl from one end of the parking lot to the other, performing one burpee in each parking space. Rinse and repeat, performing two burpees. 


Crab jacks x20 IC

Heels to Heaven x20IC

Donkey kicks x20IC

Hello Dolly x20IC

Flutter Kicks x20IC

The Hammie! 

And happy birthday, Germ! 41 merkins from the PAX


Thank you for the opportunity to lead. YHC misses the gloom and is very appreciative of everything that F3 and this group of men have brought to his life. YHC feels guilty not giving much back to F3 when he’s not posting regularly, so he encourages the PAX to not take F3 and the opportunities to Q for granted. Until we meet again in the gloom. Aye!