Don’t be afraid to be confused

April 24, 2019

WHEN: 04/24/2019
QIC: My Little Pony
PAX: Beano, Boucher, Kitten, Popeye, Cooter, Bloomin Onion, MLP

EC – 1 for the Pine & 2 for Everest Ruck Repeats

Last week while traveling for business, YHC had the rare treat of coming across a hotel will a full gym. It had been many moons since YHC hit the weights and traditional chest/shoulder session hurt so good. YHC was sore for the next 3 days and that got me thinking about how muscle confusion (aka mixing it up) can be a good thing for our bodies. So, with that in mind, YHC tried to plan out a workout that put a slightly different spin on our traditional routines.


SSH x 20 (IC)

WMH x 10 (IC)

LBAC x 12 (IC)

Reverse x 12 (IC)

IW x 15 (IC)

GM x 10 (IC)

World’s Toughest Merkins x 5 (IC)

We moseyed to the rail leading down to the tennis courts and got under the bars for some Underdog Pull-ups with one extra move to confuse the muscles. While up, we added a pulse (about a 1/2 down and back up) for reach rep before extending our arms all the way back out (10 x IC) Rotate to the concrete wall directly across the sidewalk for Dips with an added pulse at the bottom (12 x IC). Repeato x 2

Down to the picnic shelter for some more confusion:

Bulgarian Split Squats (one leg back behind on the bench) x 10 each leg

Merkin with added pulse at the bottom x 15

Plie Squats (toes pointed out like a duck walk) – 20 full squats, low squat hold for 20 seconds at the bottom of last rep, 20 short pulses

Alternating Shoulder Taps – 20 x IC, 20 second plank hold, 20 x IC double time

10 Burpees OYO with 2 tuck jumps at the top of each burpee


Next, it was down to the sand volleyball courts, but we stuck to the grass.

4 circuits of: Variety Bear Crawls for the length of the grassy area (until reach pull-up bars), AMRAP Pull-ups, Plank it out while you wait for the six.

  1. Regular Bear Crawl
  2. Left Side Bear Crawl
  3. Crawl Bear
  4. Right Side Bear Crawl

Over to ascend THWM one time in a confusing manner. Left side shuffle up to the first gate, backwards run to the second gate, Right side shuffle up to the tree line.

Circle up for quick MARY

LBC with added wrinkle of fully extending legs to 6″ off ground position x 10 IC

Ring of Fire 10 count – alternating high and low plank hold.


TMF and South Durham AO clean-up project this Saturday morning at Tobacco Rd. Fun starts at 0700 with a workout to follow afterwards.

Rameses needs YOU to Q. Sign up sheet is clean for May. If you’d like to make you VQ and need a vet to co or offer suggestions just reach out.

YHC took us out.