Field work

November 17, 2020

WHEN: 11/17/2020
QIC: Catskill
PAX: Bump Draft. Bright Idea, Buzz Bait, Homegrown Berry, Quicken, TPS Reports & Zook

Begin at the near end of the field:

Do 10 Burpees

Broad Jump to the far end

10 burpees

Crab Walk back to near end

10 burpees

Bunny hop to far end

10 burpees

Crawl bear to near end

10 burpees

Alligator Crawl, to far end

10 burpees

AYG to near end

10 burpees

Lunge walk to far end

10 burpees

Nur (Run backwards to near end)

10 burpees

AYG (Sprint) to far end

10 burpees

Bear Crawl to near end


Mosey to picnic tables:

15 in cadence monkey humpers  2x

15 in cadence step ups 2x

15 in cadence dip‘s 2x


Crunchy frog

Asheville abs

Five count merkin ring of fire