July 30, 2020

WHEN: 07/30/2020
QIC: Cardiac
PAX: Floyd, Weed-N-Feed, Frizzle, Awesome Baby, Wreck-it-Ralph, Palino, Castaway

Warm Up:

Warm up lap with high knees, butt kickers, backwards run

17x SSH

Asian Granny 10sec

10x Willie Mays Hayes

10x Arm circles forward, backward, overhead, outfront

5x SLOW SLOW merkins


The thang:  Head to the soccer field where we were introduced to a new Exicon exercise called Obama. Bearcrawl the half field length stopping every 4th hand and do 4 merkins. Obama was the 44th president hence the “4” & “4”. This was met with a MILD degree of grumbling.


Covid19 has been affecting everyone for the past 6 months, some of us much more than others. I think it is fair to says that it is time for it to end. So as a reminder to the PAX today we spelled FCOVID with 19 reps of each exercise while running the perimeter of the half field:

Floyd Mayweathers x19 cadence

Carolina Drydock x19 SC

One legged burpees x19 SC

V-up Roll ups x19 SC

Imperial Squat Walkers x19 cadence

Donkey Kicks x 19 SC


Our spelling practice ended at mid field, at which point I reminded the PAX that Obama had 2 terms of office and that we needed a way to get back to the goal line, so we did the Obama bear crawl back for the half field.  This was met with a HIGH degree of grumbling.


We then circled up in front of the goal and ran through our spelling practice of FCOVID one more time without the traveling.  Oh yea and we attempted 2 rounds of Death by Burpee.


COT:  Lets all remember that there are many people out there that are losing loved ones and being greatly affected by COVID19. Lets all do our best to limit the spread and bring it to an end.