Evens and Odds

February 8, 2022

WHEN: 02/08/2022
QIC: Maraschino
PAX: Forbidden Fruit, Green Acres, Homegrown Berry, Montecristo (Respect), Nescafe, Nitro (Respect), Rebar, Splashback, Zook

YHC is recovering from a minor procedure from a few days ago and is technically supposed to be on the IR for a few more days.  In the preblast, YHC promised a zero impact workout.

3 PAX for some EC pullup stuff.



Plank bird dogs

Alternating Shoulder Taps

Slow Mountain Climbers (working on increasing mobility)


Reverse LBACs

Overhead Claps

Cherry Pickers

Seal Claps

Slow Sumo Squats


The Thang

PAX grabbed a block and lined up on the baseline of the smoothest pavement in all of Churham.

Intention was to do a pyramid, but we ran out of time and never made it down.  After every round, PAX had choice of recovery/palate cleanser:  run around buses, bear crawl to shovel flag and back, suitcase cary block to end of parking lot and back, or plank hold.  YHC created an arbitrary rule that an odd number of PAX had to each of these recovery activities (the Odds Rule).  If there was an even number, there was a penalty.

Began with 6 Dive Bomber Merkins

Messed up the “Odd” Rule above during the first palate cleanser, so we had to move up the reps one.

Then completed 7 Dive Bomber Merkins, 9 IC Bird Dogs, Recover

7 Dive Bomber Merkins, 9 IC Bird Dogs, 11 Typewriter Merkins, Recover

Because everyone was abiding by the Odds Rule, YHC added in that PAX could not talk to ensure they complied with the Odds Rule (the Green Acres Rule).

7 Dive Bomber Merkins, 9 IC Bird Dogs, 11 Typewriter Merkins, 13 Alternating Shoulder Taps, Recover

Added in another rule that PAX could only do two of the four recovery activities (the Zook Rule).

7 Dive Bomber Merkins, 9 IC Bird Dogs, 11 Typewriter Merkins, 13 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 15 Bent-Over Rows, Recover

7 Dive Bomber Merkins, 9 IC Bird Dogs, 11 Typewriter Merkins, 13 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 15 Bent-Over Rows, 17 Overhead Presses, Recover

During this round, Green Acres messed up the counting at some point, so we added another rep to what ended up being the final round.

8 Dive Bomber Merkins, 10 IC Bird Dogs, 12 Typewriter Merkins, 14 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 16 Bent-Over Rows, 18 Overhead Presses, 20 Goblet Squats (no recovery because we were almost out of time)



Plank hold ring of fire with 5 Perkins per PAX



Announcements:  The Battering Ram 5-year Anniversary (2/12), The Wolf (2/19), Chatham Habitat for Humanity

YHC took us out by emphasizing the importance of posting even when you are not at 100 percent physically or mentally, recognizing your limits, and modifying as appropriate.  A post when you are only at 25% (which is where YHC was today) is better than a fart sack.

3 Jag PAX converged with 2 Rabbits for Coffeeteria.