Easter Egg Hunt – 10 Plagues of Egypt

April 14, 2017

WHEN: 04/14/2017
QIC: Spooky
PAX: Turnpike, Vandelay, Major Pain, Cheese Splint, Moore, Sir Mix-a-lot, Variety, Leap Frog, Treehouse, Buffet, Rebar, Boucher, Babyface, Pleather, Bandcamp, Holmes, EPO, Easy Pass, Ito, Pedro, Spooky

21 Pax posted at Bastille on Good Friday / 4th Day of Passover. Promotion had been sent out regarding the Easter Egg Hunt (F3 style).
Conditions: 52 degrees
Disclaimer: (after we started) Spooky is NOT a professional. Your here at your own risk. Don”t sue me.
Circle up and start warm-up: SSH x 20 IC, Imperial Walker x 10 IC, Arm-circles x 10 IC each side with 10 IC Seal-claps between sets of arm-circles, Slow merkins x 10.
The Thang:
Mosey to the soccer fields. Line up on the sideline of the soccer field for the “10 Plagues of Egypt”.

1. Water into blood

Wind sprints across the soccer field. Run half-way, then back, run full length, then back.

2. Attack of the Frogs

Frog jump across the soccer field.

3. Lice

Backwards crab walk (forward facing) half of the soccer field.

4. Mixture of Wild Animals

Crab walk half of the soccer field.

5. Diseased livestock

Bear crawl across the soccer field.

6. Boils

Traveling burpees across the soccer field.

7. Thunderstorm of hail

Sprint across the soccer field (arms up).

8. Locusts

Lunge walk across the soccer field while waving arms overhead (seal claps)

9. Darkness for three days

Sprint across the soccer field in darkness.

10. Death of firstborn sons.

Fortunately it is passover so our “homes” were passed over. Exercise for 10 Plagues is finished.

Easter Egg Hunt

Mosey to park shelter. Partner up for the Easter Egg Hunt. Each team was given a 45-pound or 35-pound kettlebell which represents their easter basket.
Retrieve colored eggs – F3 style
Partner 1 runs off with their kettlebell to find a colored egg. Rules: you may only carry one egg at a time. Run back to partner once you capture an egg.
Partner 2 performs continuous exercise until Partner 1 returns. Exercises: 3-count merkins, overhead squats, LBCs, plank.
Switch and repeat until all eggs are retrieved. Eggs were hidden throughout the park.
Announcements: Happy Easter! Happy Passover!