Do Your Civic Duty

April 12, 2019

WHEN: 04/12/2019
QIC: Tatertot
PAX: Buffay, Cortes, Halfback, Pusher, Muzungu, Milton, Nickelback, Nubbin, Slice and Dice, Virgo, Tatertot

A glorious yellow tinted morning in Orange County’s finest town. You can just taste the pollen electricity in the air! Eight PAX … wait, here comes Halfback – NINE PAX! arrived for a fine time along the Eno River. It’s perfect F3 weather when it’s 50s and breezy, let’s get after it!

Warm Up

Mosey to the top of the deck with two sprint intervals in between. 
Good Morning, Imperial Walker, Willie Mayes Hays (cue Buffay’s dramatic entrance), Windmil,l Mtn Climbers (cue Milton’s dramatic entrance), Mosey down the stairs – Johnny Dramas on the stairs

The Thang

Overview of exercises for the day
Make sure you keep your arms straight as possible on SSH
Make sure you keep your back straight, knees over your toes on thruster squats
Make sure you flex your quads and your butt on your Merkin. 

BRICKS! YHC brought all the bricks you would want or don’t want. Two per PAX
Early on in the days of Duck and Weave – YHC wrapped up a Q with asking all PAX to run his 2.0’s library books up to the book-drop on the second floor of the deck, and that is today’s inspiration: Doing Your civic duty.

Just your basic F3 trunk complete with ~30 bricks, three pairs of gloves, un-washed GORUCK brand Rucker (30#), extra 10# and 5# weight plates, 60# GORUCK brand Sandbag, two headlamps, Elf’s old Condor brand tactical hat , 18+ patches, 3 liter water bladder, jumper cables, black beanie, and a tarp.

The routine: 
20 single-count brick thrusters
20 single-count Brick Shuffle Hops
20 single-count Merkins OYO
The route – stop at each of these places and complete the 20x20x20. 

  1. Bottom of the deck to the book-drop/government offices to pay your septic inspection
  2. Run over to the parking lot near Cup-A-Joe and support local business
  3. Mosey to the 27278 Post Office to get your mail (PAX will claim that somewhere in the next two stops the Q reverted to cadence count SSH which are just terrible, YHC cannot recall, it honestly sounded like Buffay and Nubbin wanted the cadence count, the details are foggy…)
  4. Mosey to the government offices to vote
  5. Mosey to the field overlooking the courthouse to pay your speeding tickets
  6. Mosey to Los Bollos Negros to enjoy your parks
  7. Mosey to Weaver St to support local farms! 


Freddie Mercury (the correct way!), Box Cutters, Heels to Heaven, Flutters, Outlaws clockwise, Outlaws counter-clockwise


Durham Shirts interest?
Hillsborough 2nd F at Wooden Nickel next week! 

Prayer Requests

  • Milton’s wife continued cancer treatments and recovery
  • The Lee family, owners of Kaffinate
  • Everyone affected by the explosion downtown (jobs, life, etc)
  • The first responders and those injured. 

Name-a-rama – featuring mostly 35 year olds (if you’re between the ages of 34 and 36 Duck and Weave is the place to be!)

NM – Wore my Wolf shirt to Duck and Weave today. Love the Hillsborough crew and how everyone here legit cares about F3, the PAX and their community. Thankful that I’ll be spending more time here as my 2.0 starts 1st grade next year.