Dadgum Gettin’ After It, Dadgummit

October 8, 2020

WHEN: 10/08/2020
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Bellhop, Scapula, Castaway, MLP, Floyd, Cardiac, One Direction, Knope, Jellystone, Awesome Baby, Swamp

Hola, amigos. I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya.

Got out of the BB habit over quarantine but felt compelled to do a quick one for today.

Scapula rallied the troops in the neighborhood a few weeks back (Bellhop, Castaway, YHC) to formulate a plan for being more intentional and consistent with our workouts. Here is the rough sketch of what we came up with, subject to change.

Idea is to keep it up at least through the end of the year, with our sights set on both the Angry Beaver Part II Nov. 21-22 and the F3 10-year anniversary event in Wilmington in January. Iron PAX showed us we better step up our game if we want to represent Churham well.

What’s cool about our thing is if you build it, others will come. Floyd and MLP jumped in with the Monday Army PT test, and MLP joined us for ruck miles yesterday. And we’ve had good crowds for Thursday EC speed work the past two weeks at Tobacco Road. Nine(!!!) showed up for Bellhop putting us through our paces. Good stuff. Floyd even took it upon himself to start a channel dedicated to this effort on slack. Follow #dadgum-get-after-it if you’re curious.


Had time for a breather and a stretch after our sprints, so got right into the warmup with little preamble. After the usual, we moseyed to the field for some exercises and animal movements.

10 burpees, bearcrawl to midfield, 20 merkins, crab walk (hands in front) to end line, 10 burpees
for the trip back 5 burpees, crawlbear to midfield (no fun), 10 merkins, crab walk (feet in front), 5 burpees

30 LBC SC, duck walk to midfield, 20 WWII, bunny hop to end line, 30 LBC SC

Return: 40 squats, deconstructed traveling burpee (5 merkins, 5 broad jumps, rinse repeat) to midfield, 20 jump squats, backwards run, 40 squats

Had more planned for the field but wanted to leave time for rock work, so we moseyed to the pile and each grabbed a big-un.

Bent-over row X 50
OHP X 40
Curls X 35

Bent-over row X 35
OHP X 35
Curls X 25

Kept our rocks for


Flutter kick with rock overhead X 35 IC
10 big boy situps with rock
30 squats with rock

Flutter kick with rock overhead X 20 IC
10 big boy situps
15 squat thrusters

Took us to a little past 0615


Prayers for the soul of Bell’s father in law, and for comfort for him and his M’s family in their time of grief. Prayers for my dad who will be undergoing double bypass surgery in a couple of weeks. YHC took us out.


F3 has been a big part of my life since joining 2+ years ago, but it’s still easy to find yourself going through the motions sometimes, even if you’re posting regularly. Grateful for this brotherhood to help us fight off complacency. Iron sharpens iron and all that, aye? SYITG