
March 9, 2020

WHEN: 03/09/2020
QIC: Nighshift
PAX: Foghorn Leghorn, Dogwood, Slug, Big Kat, Popeye, Shooter, Cooter, Elwood, Vertigo

I’m not sure if the the rules of the dice game Craps, but I know rolling 7 or 11 means something. So did it this AM.

Warm Up

SSH, Michael Phelps, hillbilly, imperial walkers, WMH, tempo squats and merkins


Mosey’d to the top of the Bell deck with a pit stop for pommel horse and toe touches along the way. 11’s with side lunges and prisoner squats. Lunge walk between. Ran down the levels with LL Cool J at every direction arrow and came back up the stairs. 7’s with dry docks and wall touch merkins. Bear crawl and crawl bear between. Ran down, LL Cool J at every direction arrow. Bearnie Sanders up Stone Center Dr. Mosey’d back to start.
