Memories of Oksana

March 6, 2020

WHEN: 03/06/2020
QIC: Yanni, Marky Mark
PAX: Boyardee, Brotox, Bump Draft, Dueling Banjos, Duplo, Fat Cat, Goat Cheese, Hal, Mothman, Nitro, Petri, RG3, Splashback, Stubbs, Zook

The new and improved Wall AO launched on Friday morning, having re-joined with The Mustang crew, and 17 PAX played some ball, learned about each other, and did a lot of merkins.


SSH, WMH, Windmill, Merkins


Getting to Know You: Each PAX tells a unique fact about themselves and everyone else guesses if it’s true or false. Guess right and it’s merkins. Guess wrong and it’s burpees. The discovery that a PAX member once dated Oksana Baiul produced more than enough riotous mumblechatter to fill the full 45 minutes.

People’s Chair of Fire

Tunnel of Balls

Shooting for Merkins & Burpees: Split into two teams on separate hoops. Shoot layups (make it 2 burpees, miss it 2 merkins) until one team gets to 10. Next, same deal, but with foul shots. Lastly, set odds and wager burpees that the other team’s best shooter will miss a three-pointer


Rolling Ball Merkin Ring of Fire, Prom Night, Peter Parker Holds


  • T-Claps to Zook for 1.5 years of stellar leadership at The Mustang.
  • The Gambler CSAUP is set for May 16

The PAX needed to make an AO adjustment, thanks in part to time preferences and angry neighbors, but it was great to be reunited this morning into a strong, cohesive group, The obvious lesson from recent years – this morning included – is that if the basic F3 principals are followed and good men assemble, a quality morning will be had by all. This morning certainly didn’t disappoint in terms of exercise or camaraderie.