June 3, 2020

WHEN: 06/03/2020
QIC: Nightshift
PAX: Big Kat, Elwood, Vice, Slug, Mate

Warm Up

SSH, Smurf Jacks, tempo merkins, imperial walker


This AO has adjusted its time to start at 0600 because of COVID… hence to theme. One case of COVID is as follows.

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Overhead Press
  • V-ups
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Diamond Merkins

Much like the actual pandemic, the count has to go up before they can come down.


Mosey to Smith; 10ct COVID

6 Shooters- travel across 6 courts completing 6 reps after each.

15ct COVID; mosey’d to Seawell’s bball court.

20ct COVID; mosey back to the start through the woods.

Hurray! We’re on the decline. 15ct COVID


Heels to Heaven, Superman, Hammers