Continuing Co-Q month at Paradise, YHC and Elwood wanted to come up with something challenging, but straightforward for the PAX this morning. What’s more challenging and simple than a workout using cinder blocks and jump ropes (don’t answer that question)?
WARM UP: Hillbillies, IW, Willie Mays, ACs, and burpees. Fellowship lap around the parking lot.
The THANG: PAX paired up for a workout involving cinder blocks and jump ropes. One PAX would do reps with the cinder block while the other one jumped rope. The pair would switch off when the one with the cinder block completed his reps. PAX did 3 reps.
First: Bicep Curls x 20
Second: Blockees x 15
Third: Rows x 20
Fourth: Fireman Carry @100 yards and back
Fourth: Merkins with one hand on the block x 10 for each arm
Fifth: Kettle swings x 10
No time for Mary. CoT/Announcements: Meet and Greet for Buffay at Blackball’s on Sunday, 2/16 from 5:30-7:30pm. Habitat for Humanity opportunity on 2/22, contact Rebar for more info. The Wolf is on 2/29 and there is a sign up on slack.