Chicken Peckers, Dive Bombers and Sweat.

October 14, 2019

WHEN: 10/14/2019
QIC: Splashback
PAX: Bright Idea, Brotox, Bump Draft, Dueling Banjos, Mothman, Paper jam, Nitro, Duplo, RG3, Rambler, Griswold, Chum, Stubbs, Zook, Turf Builder, GTL, Petri


  • SSH x10
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Chinooks x 10
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 20
  • Stretch OYO.

Thang 1: Wall of Pain

Pax line up against the wall. Get in BTW position and perform 10 3-count Chicken Peckers (YHC learned this one from Gomer) in cadence. Recover. Assume People’s Chair position and hold as each Pax counts to 10 down the line. Rinse and repeat x 3.

Thang 2: AO Tour of Speed Bumps
Kicked off a Mosey tour of the AO with a 5 burpee (In Cadence!!!) buy-in to start. YHC Threw in a few speed bumps along the way: bump #1 – 35 merkins, bump #2 – 10 Bonnie Blairs, bump #3 – 35 dry docks. bump #4 – 10 burpees(In Cadence!!!). bump # 5 – 20 ww2.

Thang 3: Dora
Partner up in the main AO and share the following: 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. Mode of transportation was mosey halfway around the loop then AYG back. Immediately following the Dora, we circled up for a new exercise YHC has been wanting to bring to F3 – The Dive Bomber. Basically start in the Dry Dock position, then in one motion move down through a low plank and continue shifting your weight forward and up until you are sort of in a modified cobra position. Then make one smooth motion all the way back up into Dry Dock. That’s one. We did 5 of these – lots of grumbling –which I always take as a good sign.


  • 20 x Reverse Crunches
  • 10 x Supermans
  • 15 x Sweat Angels
  • Corpse Pose


  • The 2019 Durham Bull event is coming up on 10/26. Details can be found on the Churham-News channel on slack.
  • Poll going up to potentially move The Thicket start to 530 am – please vote!!
  • This Wednesday evening – 10/16 – come on out and support Bunyan as he has a veterans benefit at Top of the Hill. Details on the Churham-News slack channel.

COT: The BBQ this weekend was a great reminder that F3 is a lot more than a workout group. We talk a lot about how special this thing of ours is so try to do your part to give back to this and the other communities in your life whether its by leading a workout, supporting a cause like Bunyan’s benefit on Wednesday or any of the other opportunities we have to give back. So get out there and do your part – I think you’ll enjoy it a lot more than you think. Until next time – AYE.