Humid morning, but great to be back on the Vortex field. Pre workout rumors abound that @Assisi may be making an appearance soon!
Warm Up – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Bodyweight Squats, Slow Merkins, Parker Peters, DW’s super-special short yoga flow
Beep Test – a traditional fitness test and all-around sucky activity. Line up, wait for beep, sprint to line, wait for beep, sprint back, repeat continuously as beep time intervals decrease. We used the 18yd box (~16m) vs. standard 20m to give everyone a fighting chance. @Boucher was the champion, making it to Level 10. Beep!
The Thang:
50 Air Squats
40 Peter Parker-Parker Peters (single count)
30 Side to Side Hops (single count)
20 Merkins
10 Get ups
Run the 18-Half-Full field shuttle style
Announcements- fill out @Yanni’s spreadsheet
COT- prayers for all the kids in on line classes and their families helping them out