We had been closed down for two months due to SARS CoV-2 and the coronavirus disease it causes, dubbed COVID-19. This week we emerged from our best efforts at social and physical isolation with steps back out into the gloom (and gloom it was – driving rain at 4:30 AM would have driven YHC back to bed if not for the Q). These steps felt both eager and hesitant. The gloom will be very different for a long time because of what we are going through.
Instead of friendly fist-bumps all around, as PAX arrived (including Cheesesteak at his first Rabbit after moving to the area!) we waved, gave “air” fist-bumps, smiled, chatted nervously, half joked about the “slip-stream” and gathered into a well spaced circle for warm-up. With 8 PAX, we felt comfortable staying in one group. The mumblechatter became more and more casual as we kept our distance and eased into the new normal. It was great to be back out.
With one FNG – welcome Flowbee! – the disclaimer was proclaimed and we got to it.
Warm up
- SSH x 30 IC
- Imperial Walker x 20 IC
- WMH x 10 IC
- Butt-kickers x 10 IC
- Loosen up on your own for ~30 seconds
The Main Event
One mile warm up jog to Encore @ fellowship pace
Intervals ladder at roughly 5k pace with rests after each interval. We ran counter clockwise, starting and stopping at the 4-way intersection each time where we fully regrouped for each effort.
This ended up being something like: .17 mi – rest – .27 – rest – .41 – rest – .53 – rest .58 (YHC was out-sprinted here by FNG Flowbee who claimed the half-mile “Running the U CCW” Strava crown at a 5:03/mi pace) – rest, and then back down – skipping a few rungs of the ladder: .41 – rest (Duelingbanjos kept up a low 5-something pace on this loop – strong work!) – .27 rest

One mile cool down jog back to the AO @ fellowship pace.
Omitted due to poor time management on the part of YHC, and due also to nightmarish flashbacks of Brotox’s sucking-sounds-orchestra Mary of months back.
COT – well spaced
- Bright Idea killed a proper copperhead – so be careful out there! When he threw it to his chickens they turned their beaks up at his offering, so he retrieved it and turned it into a reflective running belt.
- Q sheets are wide open – sign up to lead!!
Not a BOM (still a wide COT)
I’m proud to be a part of F3 and the show of leadership in handling the current situation has made me even prouder. Our local Churham group made the early and very difficult decision to shut down for a while. This set an example for other groups in the F3 Nation, our non-F3 friends and family and for anyone that might be driving by one of our workout spots. It was tough to give up something we all really cherish for a time, but the decision and everyone following and supporting the decision showed great leadership among all our PAX. That to me is what F3 is about.