Are you ready for some football at Dallas’ big house

August 4, 2021

WHEN: 08/04/2021
QIC: Vice
PAX: Marky-mark, hickory, rambler, splashback

Football preseason just started so we decided at the will of the PAX to do some football preparations.

Warmarama: 15 SSH, 10 arm circles forward and reverse, 8 WMH, 10 Michael Phelps, 6 Manafort goodmornings

The Thang: Football Kickoff: Flip a coin and heads is block weighted lunges to the right and tails and weighted block lunges to the left- total of 6 flips and gamble on the last flip… if you get it right you only do 7 and if you get it wrong you do 14

Plank Drives with weighted hoses: Hold plank position and do a series of raises with each hand, 1st down straight, 2nd down out to the side, 3rd down back behind and 4th down upright row and switch hands: Rinse and repeat 5 times

Hikes and Ball Crawls: With weighted ball, hike the ball but slide it across the ground and then back up like a crawl bear and hike it again, HIC called the hike, PAX backed up on command for 10 to fifteen yards and then brought it back to the start, finish off with monkey humpers on the ball in offensive line of fire style

Triple Stack: One of the hardest things to do is to complete a triple crown or win the title back to back to back so we tried our best to push our shoulders and chest through a series I called the triple stack. It is a pyramid of yanni merkins, urchins, arnolds and overhead claps with the weighted ball

King of the Ring: when I was younger, this had a less pleasant name but the idea is still to call someone out to the middle of the ring and duel it out for 30 seconds of an exercise of the pax choice, HIC would call out a suitable exercise to watch, the one that was a favorite has now been deemed the tea bag….

Offense and Defense: We did a couple of sprints of rotating offense and defense and covering each other

2 minute drill of Mary: V-ups, Vice grips, right shoulder and left shoulder