Are you ready for some football

July 28, 2021

WHEN: 07/28/2021
QIC: Vice
PAX: Roots, Stevie Ray, Toes, Nacho Libre, Cauliflower, Cousin Vinny, Manafort, TurnPike

Football preseason just started so we decided at the will of the PAX to take a break from the presidential fitness run and do some football preparations

Warmarama: 15 SSH, 10 arm circles forward and reverse, 8 WMH, 10 Michael Phelps, 6 Manafort goodmornings

The Thang: Pax mosied to back of school to select their “rock” football for the day, we did a ricky bobby run with the rock while lunge walking back to the AO

Football Kickoff: Flip a coin and heads is block weighted lunges to the right and tails and weighted block lunges to the left- total of 6 flips and gamble on the flip… if you get it right you only do 7 and if you get it wrong you do 14

Plank Drives with weighted hoses: Hold plank position and do a series of raises with each hand, 1st down straight, 2nd down out to the side, 3rd down back behind and 4th down upright row and switch hands: Rinse and repeat 5 times

Hikes and Ball Crawls: With weighted ball, hike the ball but slide it across the ground and then back up like a crawl bear and hike it again, HIC called the hike, PAX backed up on command for 10 to fifteen yards and then brought it back to the start

Triple Stack: One of the hardest things to do is to complete a triple crown or win the title back to back to back so we tried our best to push our shoulders and chest through a series I called the triple stack. It is a pyramid of yanni merkins, urchins, arnolds and overhead claps with the weighted ball up to 5 and back down to 1

King of the Ring: When I was a kid playing football, we had a less nice name of this but we stood in a ring and anyone could call out any other PAX and challenge them to a 30 second exercise. The rest of the group held a pose and cheered and watched the 2 go at it

2 minute drill of Mary: V-ups, right shoulder and left shoulder

COT: My wife just lost her godmother so please remember her and that side of my family, keep going everyone and thanks for letting me lead you all today