Alternate Endings

May 15, 2020

WHEN: 05/15/2020
QIC: Zook
PAX: Golden Pinky, Newton, Platinum Pinky, Red Ryder, Spike, Yanni, Brotox, Marky Mark, Chum, Dueling Banjos, Splashback
Lets Go!!!!!

Today was week two of the F3 Churham/NATX virtual convergence. YHC had the Q and wanted to leave the PAX with hopefully something to remember him by. I decided to go with the classic Zook 300 workout which has been my go to when Q’ing at AOs I normally don’t post at. Here is the link to the original workout for anyone wanting to try the real thing:

Also to do something a bit different this week, in lieu of ten counts, YHC decided to ask each PAX to think of a sports movie and then give us an alternate ending. A couple examples I gave: 1) in Major League, on first day of spring training Willie Mays Hayes pulls his hamstring on that first 60 yard dash. Does F3 even exist today? 2) Courtesy of Bumpdraft, in Above the Rim or He Got Game, the great basketball player picks to go to Virginia Tech at the end of the movie and VT becomes the college basketball powerhouse we all need. 3) In the movie Air Bud, it turns out Golden Retrievers cant catch footballs, there is no Air Bud 2-100, no other crazy talking dog movies that my son loves to watch, and YHC and his wife get 50 hours of their life back

Anyways, on to the workout


  • Keep arms up whole time. All IC x15. Work on that dad pool bod (chest and above)
    • Arm Circles (forward and reverse)
    • Overhead Claps
    • Seal Claps
    • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Willie Mays Hayes x10
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Clock Merkins x3 at each hour
  • SSH IC x50


  • 25 burpees OYO. Set of 10, set of 15
  • 50 Imperial Walker Squats done slow.
  • 50 Merkins done slow. Set of 20, 15, 15
  • 50 Box jumps or step-ups or squat jump. Set of 20, 15, 15
  • 50 Floor wipers. Set of 25, 25
  • 50 groiner – dry docks Set of 20, 15, 15
  • 25 burpees. Set of 15

Well that was how it was suppose to go. YHC was so amped about his alternate endings he forgot to start with burpees. We made it through 25 floor wipers before I recognized my mistake. As to not have to do 50 burpees at the end, we did our first burpees between floor wiper sets.

MARY — no time today


  • Both Churham and NATX are officially starting back up on Monday. Nice!!!


Movies discussed: (seriously I could do these for days)

  • Varsity Blues — Kilmer keeps winning district titles (Zook stepped in for Platinum)
  • Rocky 4 (Splashback)
  • Rocky 3 (Newton)
  • Chariots of Fire (Jinx as he ran by)
  • Mighty Ducks (Red Ryder)
  • Sandlot (Golden Pinky)
  • Caddyshack (Yanni)
  • The Natural (Banjos)
  • Dodgeball (Spike)
  • Happy Gilmore (Chum)
  • Remember the Titans
  • Field of Dreams


So honestly fellas the biggest thing I have been struggling with through thi quarantine is my identity. What I mean by that is before all this stuff hit I would describe myself as a sports fanatic and a big time runner. Well when the quarantine came, the marathon I had been training for went bye-bye and as we all know, ESPN and all sports went out the window. For me this was really tough. I mean these things are what I grew up on and are two of the most enjoyable things I participate in. I really struggled with this for a while and had to take a deep look at the third F (my faith) to help me get out of the rut I was in. Doing that has helped me a ton and hopefully I’m better for it today. The reason I share this is because I hope anyone else in a situation like this knows they aren’t alone. Maybe you are in a rut and this might help realize what’s causing it. Or even for some of us, maybe you are past this, in which case I hope you might be able to share it with others to help them through their situation. Either way, I hope you guys stay strong through this all and know that you are appreciate and will get through this all stronger. Until next time. Aye!