By way of explaining the headline…
Hadn’t been to House of Pain in a minute, as a bunch of us in South Durham had taken to getting in ruck miles on Wednesday morning. Now that our Cloverleaf ruck event has come and gone, time to start regular posts on Wednesdays. House of Pain – between the steel and the good vibes from the PAX – has always been one of YHC’s favorite sites, though it’s just a little far afield. Noticed the Q sheet empty for this week, so grabbed it to ensure YHC would actually post!
Pleased to have 12 gathered on a cold but thankfully not windy morning.
Standard warm-up, including two sets of 5 penalty burpees for tardiness. Tsk tsk.
Advised the PAX this would be a leg-heavy workout, and delivered on that promise.
Kept a wide berth as we gathered steel and lined up on the near curb, spaced out and facing the same direction.
Weighted squats X 50
10 merkins
Steel overhead to top of parking lot
Weighted squats X 50
Mosey to opposite corner of parking lot
Weighted squats X 50
Mosey to bottom of hill
20 merkins
Weighted squats X 50
steel overhead to start
10 merkins
Next round was lunges, 25 on each leg with weight each time, traveling between ends of the parking lot, for a total of 200 lunges.
Mixed in some WWIIs for good measure
Finished with four rounds of squat thrusters with steel for a total of 100, with some rows and curls mixed in.
C’est tout.
Yunus asked the PAX to fill the Q sheet! YHC took us out.
Grateful for a strong group who grinded this one out. It wasn’t super fun. Will try to bring a little more joy to the next one, but hopefully everyone will enjoy the GAINZ, bruh! Til next time, aye!