12 men circled up at 5:30 at Durham’s newest AO Jolly Roger.
We started warming up with 30xSSH, 10 spider merkins, 10x Imperial Walkers, 10 Derkins, 10xWMH, 10 Merkins and 10x Good Mornings.
We mossied over to the close circle to start the wheel of Merkins, somewhere during that time Shake It joined us making it 13 PAX. The wheel of Merkins travels clockwise around the circle, start with bear crawl, pause and do 5 Merkins with right hand on curb, rotate 90 degrees, plank walk around circle, 5 Uerkins, rotate 90 degrees, Crawl Bear, 5 Merkins with left hand on curb, rotate 90 degrees, 5 Derkins. After a slow ten count we ran through the same circuit counterclockwise.
After the wheel of merkins we ricky bobbied to the backside of the school, at each speedbump we stopped for 10 burpees OYO, first speedbump however was 20 burpees, (PAX felt the extra 10 would help Shake It get caught up and warmed up).
At the back of the school we ran a Mustang DORA in the soccer field. The Mustang DORA comes from BC and involves 3 people. 2 PAX do a different exercise with the 3rd PAX traveling in between. We started 50 Derkins with a Bear Crawl to the PAX doing 50 Lunges. 2nd round was 100 Merkins with a Crab Walk to 100 Jump Squats. The two sides separated further for the 3rd and final round was 150 in cadence Crab Jacks with a sprint to another PAX doing 150 Homer-to-Marges. The HTM were done was before the Crab Jacks so we all stopped and did 20 Crab Jacks to finish it up.
We mossied back to the AO and circled up with a 3 Merkin ring a fire. 2 minutes were left for a quick round of Superman/Banana.
Announcements – Bull (Durham CSAUP) is happening in October. NC Normandy AAR with Veterans happening on Thursday the 8th, contact Uzi or Harbaugh for more info.
Moleskin – The Jolly Roger is a great site with tons of options. Props to Happy Trees and Shake It for getting it setup and running smoothly.