Stay in your Bus lane

November 3, 2017

WHEN: 11/01/2017
QIC: Soda Popinksi
PAX: Tater Tot, Chubbs, Screech, Happy Gilmore, Mr. Brady, Crockett, Scrooge Mcduck, Roach, 3 Peat, Green Egg

YHC wanted to try and keep his VQ has simple as possible so he arrived at the concept all reps would try to equal the number 12 being that it was the 1st day of November(11+1=12).


2 fellowship jog laps around the parking lot

10 penalty burpees for Happy showing up

12 SSH in cadence

12 Good Mornings

12 Willie Mays Hayes

12 Slow Merkins(3 count down, 1 count up)

12 Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

Ever since being introduced to this wonderful site by Tater Tot YHC always wanted to utilize the large bus lanes.  So YHC made a visit the previous day to figure out what to do and how to use the bigger lanes.  There are a total of 20 lanes in which the buses park at the back of the property so we started with:

bear crawl to lane #10(half way) crawl bear back then do 12 merkins

lunge walk to lane #10 reverse lunge walk back then do 12 jump lunges for each leg

sprint to the end backwards sprint back then 12 body weight squats

At this point the PAX were pretty quiet and figured to get away from my original idea to repeat this 2 more times…We modified and completed 1 more sprint down to the end and backwards sprint back but this time 20 body weight squats

We then moseyed over to the swing set and had everyone partner up.  During one of YHC’s 1st workouts at Forest Hills he was introduced to the Swerkin.

12 swerkins OYO while your partner runs from the start of the parking lot to Hillendale Rd.


Yet another exercise that was introduced to YHC by Tater Tot was the Jack Welch(Webb)…We started from the top at 6 merkins and 30 overhead press…all the way down to 1 merkin 5 overhead press

Fellowship jog back towards the cars in the starting lot for some wood rail dips…We completed 12 dips IC then mixed in 10 true Americans courtesy of Happy…12 more dips IC and wandered back to the starting point for MARY.


25 LBC

25 Flutter Kicks


Prayers for Philip’s girlfriend’s Dad who is starting chemo this week.  Also prayers for the families and citizens in Manhattan after another terrible tragedy…YHC was grateful to have the opportunity to lead the group at the new Hillendale site.  F3 has helped me grow both mentally and physically over the last 7 months.  Special shout outs to Happy for getting me to come out and Chubbs for holding me accountable to get out each week!  AYE!