Welcome Micheal Myers on Halloween

November 2, 2017

WHEN: 10/31/2017
QIC: Spooky
PAX: Rambler, Gomer, Goatcheese, Wreckless, Slayer, Stickman, Frank Lloyd Bunyan, Horny Toad, Nescafe, Ruxpin, Mothman, Spooky, Grunge. Oh, and Michael Myers!

YHC rolled into the BC Clubhouse parking lot and jumped out in deatheater mask, cloak with scary tunes blasting from a backpack.

Other Pax noticed that a guy was watching the AO from a distance.  After discussion it was determined that it was a guy dressed as Michael Myers!

Warm-Up: (Music change to Thriller)
Skull Crushers x 13 (jump squat with hands hitting the ground)
Brain Eaters x 13 (hand release merkins)
Kick off the Dead x 13  (donkey kicks)

Count off: 13 Pax – perfect!

Split Pax into two groups. Group 1 was identified as the “Survivors”.  Group 2 was identified as the “Zombies”.

The Thang:

Group 1 goes to the trunk of Spooky’s car retrieve four plastic carcasses filled with four bricks each and a handful of red glow sticks.  They were then instructed to run towards the trails (taking any route they wanted) but they must carry the 30 pound carcasses as a team.  Group 1 also drops a red glow stick (representing their blood trail) every block or around after turn (left or right).

Group 2 (The Zombies) perform 13 skull crushers and then 13 brain eaters then chase after Group 1.  The Zombies run down Group 1 by following the blood trail.

When a zombie reaches Group 1 then the group must halt.  Unfortunately the fastest zombies joined Group 1 in our first round so instead of a sprint we had a long run to start (YHCs mistake by not giving adequate directions).

Switch roles and Group 2 starts running with the four carcasses while leaving a blood trail.

Pax agreed it was a thrill to hear and see the headlamps of the Zombies chasing behind.  It really inspired the group to run fast and trade-off the carcasses often. Pax also spotted Michael Myers again and we encountered red helium balloons attached to sewer openings throughout BC.

After four rounds, the final round was to get back to the AO.

Circle up for Halloween Mary – all movements must have Halloween or creepy names.

Freddy Kruegers (Freddie Mercuries) IC x 13
Raise from the Dead – WWIIs IC x 13

Pax inquired when Micheal Myers was going to jump out but alas it was a random sighting of Mr. Myers and not a trick by YHC.

COT:  Stay safe tonight.  Stop by Spooky’s Haunted House.  Prayers for brother Lo-Pair that cancer has been irradiated and he is back up and running soon.

Happy Halloween!