Now that we’re all coming out of COVID-19 coma it’s time to start doing some socially-distanced group workouts again and I owe some Q’s, so here goes. Upon awakening to pouring rain I started to think I would be doing this solo this morning, but miraculously the clouds parted within 10 minutes of our starting time and eight hearty F3 souls decided to post, including a 7th-grade FNG! Didn’t think there were any FNG’s left in BC, so I guess 2.0’s aging into F3 is going to be the way to grow F3 in our neighborhood.
Warmup: SSH IC x 21 (“21’s: 1st 5 out loud, remaining 16 silent. Repeating is penalty for screwing up). 1 PAX screwed up the first set, and 2 screwed up the second set (including YHC!). FAC IC x 10, RAC IC x 10, slow squats IC x 10, tempo merkins x 10, Achilles stretch SC x 10 each side. Stretch of choice x 30”.
The Thang: 1) “Burpee mile”. Run a mile, stopping after each 1/4 mile for 10 Burpees OYO. We Bernie Sanders’d the last 150 yards or so, and I in no way measured this out – just did Burpees away from houses.
2) “7 of Diamonds”: after returning to AO, the Pax congregated into 2 groups, and we traveled to 4 corners (i.e., a diamond shape) and did single-count exercises in each corner in a multiple of 7. 7 Burpees in each corner, followed by 14 flutter kicks, x 4, 21 merkins x 4. We moseyed in Bear Crawl or Crab Walk for the last set, making the Merkins considerably harder.
[No time for 28 squats x 4, or making our way back down with 21 mountain climbers x 4, 14 overhead claps x 4, and finally 7 dry docks x 4.]
Mary: YHC led “J Lo’s” IC x 10. That sucked pretty hard, and groans from the PAX helped me to realize that we need more J Lo’s in the future. Chum led 15 dancing chillcuts (“Toy Soldiers”) IC, which is on-brand for him. Splashback suggested we finish with a Merkin Ring-of-Fire – 5 each.
BOM: Announcements: Rebar has organized a Burpee Habitat for Humanity fundraiser for tomorrow am. Bright Idea is organizing another 6-week “MMA” fundraiser. See channels for details.
Impressed with this group of men, including our 13 yo FNG Huffy. Showing up in terrible weather for this workout. This is the kind of dedication that being successful in life requires: showing up and being willing to do the unpleasant work that needs to get done, in work, fitness, relationships, etc. Our communities rely on these folks, and F3 helps men re-discover this sense of purpose oftentimes. Stay safe during this pandemic men. Aye!