About 6 weeks ago, YHC was looking ahead to a less full schedule with the school year and athletics competition schedule winding down, so he looked ahead to stepping up to Q at a number of sites to fulfill the responsibility of participating fully in the F3 Churham Community…ended up with 7 Qs over these 6 weeks…and for some reason the Piranha Q was foremost in the planning, but when we got to this morning…his mind went blank…
Nonetheless, YHC was excited to come upon a strong group with some seasoned Piranha Veterans as well as some new faces in Bundy and Cake. Weed’n Feed threw out a “balanced” workout them on the slack channel and YHC used that inspiration to help frame this Q.
SSH IC x 20
IW IC x 20
Arm Circles IC x 20 (Little, Big, Forward, Backward)
Willie Mays Hayes IC x 10
Harvester IC x 10
Mountain Climbers IC x 20
Slow Merkins IC x 10
5 Burpees OYO
The Thang
Mosey around the Filbert then finish in the side parking lot.
Line up 15 across for a BlackJack modified to a 5/1 ratio as opposed to a 20/1 ratio: Sprint to end of parking lot – 5 merkins, sprint back 1 air squat; sprint to other end 4 merkins, sprint back 2 air squats and so forth until the Pax achieved 5 air squats and 1 merkin.
We then moseyed to the picnic tables where we embarked upon the OPEC signature Coyote Ugly’s. The Pax did three sets of each…
Then Mosey to the “big” playground where we split up into two groups – One group did 10 Swerkins on the swings, and the other group did 10 or AMRAP pull ups and then we switched. Each pax did two sets of 10 reps/AMRAP of each exercise and planked on the sidewalk when complete. After a Castaway 10 Count, we proceeded to the checker board on the asphalt basketball court.
YHC tried to explain a constant movement bear crawl/crawl bear circuit utilizing the rows in the checkerboard. Despite the supportive efforts and problem solving skills of the PAX, YHC was unable to adequately convey what was in his mind…We’ll try again next time! ;)…So YHC audibled and we did some sprints forward and backward the length of the asphalt court…5 to be exact.
To bring some symmetry and balance to the workout, we repeated the exercises we performed in reverse as we slowly returned to the startex:
2 sets of Swerkins and pullups
3 sets of Coyote Uglies
BlackJacks modified to 5/1
Reverse run around the Filbert
…circle up for…
Heels to Heaven IC x 20
Freddie Mercury IC x 20
Peter Parker Peter IC x 20
Ski Abs IC x 20
YHC heard Weed’n Feed breathing pretty heavy as we transitioned out which YHC felt was a complement as this ended up being a pretty brutal work out…so there wasn’t much mumble chatter at the end.
Bellhop shared that his brother Seth – who is quite fit, a pretty athletic, strong, healthy guy – was experiencing some concerning muscle soreness and weakness over the weekend and was admitted to the hospital for testing and is still there. Prayers for him on a quick recovery. This also serves as a reminder for YHC to be grateful for health of himself and loved ones…it can be gone in the blink of an eye.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning and support!