9 strong PAX today showed up for a run in the rain
- WMH IC x 10
- Calf Stretch
- Slow High Knee IC x 10
- Invisible Jump Rope IC x 20
We ran the below with the lead man stopping at each mile to let the PAX catch up. Nescafe will be posting on nextdoor about those people sleeping in their RV (or bangbus, whatever works right Cricket?). Also check out your strava segments, there is a new one there about exploring your way into the dark forest.

- LBCs x 15 IC
- E2K x 15 IC
- E2K x 15 IC
- Flutters x 15 IC
- Ring of fire bird dog
- Convergence at the Goat Mar 31st, be there
- Pray for all this Coronavirus madness
Life gets freaking crazy sometimes. I’m in one of those spells right now and it seems like I cant control anything. Well one thing I could control was getting my ass out of bed and Q’ing the rabbit. Lot of stuff in life we can’t control fellas, for the stuff we can, take the bull by the horns and make the best out if it. And if you’re struggling with something your brothers are here to support you. Until next time. Aye!