Jinx seeded the idea of doing a 5K sandwiched between a 1mi warmup and a 1mi cool down run. I loved the idea but didn’t have much time to route plan for it. So instead I opted to segment the existing 5 miler with key start / end points.
I rolled up to a steady stream of PAX regulars and newcomer Schmear. 9 PAX settled in for 5 miles.
- Frankensteins 10 IC
- Runners Stretch (extended lunge) hold for 10 sec each leg
- Stretch PAX choice

- 10 mile Rabbit next Tuesday, 9/3
- Prayers for the mentally disabled man released from Durham prison after being exonerated from murder case.
YHC offered thanks for his fellow PAX and for those working hard to help our kids get oriented at school (teachers, bus drivers, principles, admin staff, and on and on). YHC also noted that he’s finally seeing some modest improvement after 4 months of regular running, mostly at the Rabbit but with other runs mixed in. 10 years ago, I saw substantive gains after only a month or so of training. I guess the message is that persistence always pays off but you’ll often need to struggle for awhile to realize and remember that important life lesson. Until next time. Aye.