
November 8, 2021

WHEN: 11/08/2021
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Uzi, Yurt, Cherry Baked, Knope, OPEC, Botched, Ocho, Sonar, Red October, Crash Cart, Red Tape, Loonie, Scribble, Banana Slug, Barksdale, Count Chocula, Bell’s, Swamp, Grandpa Ninja

The Tar Heels somehow managed an amazing comeback win Saturday against previously undefeated Wake Forest, winning 58-55.


That inspired today’s theme. T-claps to Yurt for inviting me to Q, as YHC had been taking Mondays off for, uh, a while now. YHC was joined by Cherry Baked, Yurt and Knope for an EC ruck, while Sonar, OPEC, Ocho and Botched got in an EC 5K.

Very pleased to have such a large and lively group for ME on a Monday morning, so went around the circle prior to warmups to give some daps to the PAX. Uzi, a surprise show, got a hug.

After a standard warm up, we moseyed to the track to explain the theme.

Basically, scoring 58 points and winning = good. So we would be doing good – read: slightly easier exercises – in batches of 58. Allowing 55 points, however, = bad. So we did harder stuff in batches of 55.

  • 58 SSH IC
  • 55 burpees – broke these into five sets of 11, with half recovery laps between each set
  • 58 overhead clap IC
  • 20 Merkins half lap 20 Merkins half lap 15 Merkins – total of 55 merkins
  • 58 squats
  • 55 jump squats

Mosey to black top

Rounded up to 60 for people’s chair and balls to the wall, each PAX giving a 3 count

Mosey to benches

Derkins and Irkins – 10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=55
So we alternated derkins and irkins, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8,8 etc. Farmed out the count, and a few PAX had a little trouble with that, which prompted Uzi to point this out in hopes that YHC would dole out penalty burpees. Didn’t take the bait. Botched helpfully posted the How to Count video in the channel

Added three extra Irkins at the end to get us to 58 of those

Mosey home for Mary

  • 58 flutter kick IC
  • 55 WWII

Enough time for a 3-count-merkin ring of fire.



Prayers for Bell’s dad, who is receiving treatment for a heart problem

Botched noted that PAX should mark their calendars for The Bull, Oct. 29, 2022

YHC took us out.


Again, can’t thank the PAX enough for the great turnout and the high level of energy and mumble chatter. Awesome way to start the week. Go Heels, aye!