5 By Way of Clock, 5 By Way of Cack

January 7, 2020

WHEN: 01/07/2020
QIC: Grunge
PAX: Iron Lung (Respect!), Bright Idea, Mothman, Jinx, Zook, Dueling Banjos, Splashback, RG3, Brotox, Jingles, FNG Lite Brite

Tuesdays on Ice Challenge made me do it. Missed two Tuesdays in December due to travel so decided to make up a point by picking up the Q at the Hare Ball today and the Strolling Rone next week. Cricket, who typically Qs the monthly 10 miler, must have taken it personally as he chose to voice his displeasure over this mini coup by tossing out a last minute tweet-slack from the comforts of his “Trump”-sack at 0400. Picking up a few untidy habits from our dear leader, I see. Intervention forthcoming. See deets below under COT.

Anywho, the pains from the prospects of a chirp-less outing was quickly alleviated upon meeting a solid band of brothers (Jinx, Dueling, Splash, Zook, Bright, Lung, Moth) ready to hit the first of two 5 mile loops. After a brief warm up (SSH, OH Claps, Hip Flex and Calf Stretches, etc) YHC chose to exercise his Q prerogative and decided to run the loop in the opposite direction, or the way of the Clock. Jinx informed YHC the plan was to pick up Bump mid way through, but when we got to his place, the stench of farts was so overwhelming, we knew that he, too, chose to go Code Blue for the day.

After our first 5 mile loop, Moth needed another fix of Lamp, so broke off early (another intervention prospect…), but we met up with our 5 miler brothers (RG, Tox, Jingles, and FNG Lite Brite), and after a brief warm up led by RG, we headed out for round 2, this time, the standard direction, or way of the Cack.

Made it back to the AO with 10 minutes to spare. This was probably due to the fact that our FNG kept talking smack the whole time. “What’s up with this pace? I thought we were supposed to be running this morning??” “Oh, is this what you call a hill? Ha, fancy that…” “Is it finally time for some burpees?” I can tell he will fit in rather nicely with this group.

Being that we were all full of beans and had some time remaining, we chose to circle up and do Mary for six minutes until we were all spent. That’s always the nuts. Well, actually, it was just LBCs, Cutters, Flutters, x20 IC, and a 5 Merkin Ring of Fire, which is kinda sorta as good, I suppose.

I think I need to put a major cliff hanger here coz I want you all to keep following my adventures as I Q Churham and beyond, but then I suddenly realized



  • Tue on Ice Challenge. Hit The Rabbit and/or The Jag thru end of Feb. Accumulate 10 points and RG sends you on a cruise around the world (I think that’s what he said). A 10 Miler Tue @ Rabbit counts as 2 points, but can only score that 1x. You can also earn a bonus point if you Q both Rabbit and Jag.
  • Force of Nature Challenge going strong. Be a force. Of nature. A force of nature. Deets on Chatham Chatter Channel, Chums. (Actually I think it may be too late to join, so if you haven’t signed up yet, you are nothing but forced manure. Find a brother with oversized lats and ask. Nicely.).
  • Shoot…I feel like there was something else but I can’t remember what it was…apologies!
  • Welcome FNG Lite Brite! Well done, brother. Good show.
  • Finally, so YHC has been a bit concerned by Cricket’s insidiously habitual fartsacking. He claims it is due to overindulging in wink wink “late night bangers and mash with his M” wink, but YHC suspects he literally means indulging in late night helpings of bangers and mash, which is quite sad, really. I truly believe we need to plan an immediate intervention to help out our dear brother before he reverts back to slurping jellied eels with his newfound passion for White Claw.



Sometimes the real answer or solution is the opposite of what you think it is. I recently experienced this at Charleston, when I went from feeling great to suddenly bonking around the midpoint of my race. I thought I had fallen way behind in my calories so decided to aggressively up my intake by forcing down gels and Tailwind. This only made things worse, and I ended up suffering for hours. Turns out, the reason I was bonking was due to ingesting too many calories as I was doubling up my carbs/sugars with gels and Tailwind and my body was overwhelmed and unable to process it, so was dumping it in every way possible (puking, pissing, etc). I believe Einstein is attributed with saying the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you find you are stuck in a difficult situation or faced with a problem, try to look at it from all different angles and points of view. The most obvious answer may actually lead you down the wrong path.