Warm up: Good Morning 10IC, Hillbilly 10IC, SSH 20 IC, WMH 10IC, AC 10IC, RAC 10IC
Main Event: Partner 1 – In plank position, push & pull cinder block forward, backward & ,alternating, side to side until 100 lunges (both legs=1), 200 Merkins & 300 squats are completed
Partner 2 – execute above until partner returns from cinder block work, switch.
Mosey to hill in front of school to complete 11’s. Complete 1 jump squat at the bottom, run to top and complete 10 monkey humpers. Run to bottom to complete 2 jump squats, run to the top and complete 9 monkey humpers. Keep going back & forth until 10 jump squats at the bottom & 1 monkey humper at the top have been completed.
We had to shorten the hill work to 6 reps on top/5 on bottom because we ran out of time.
Mary: Asheville abs led by spooky