09/23/2022 The Falcon – Up and down the Menchies Mountain

September 23, 2022

WHEN: 09/23/2022
QIC: WeedNFeed
PAX: Deliverance, BB, Banana Slug, Singlet, Boucher, Fix It, Barksdale, Red Tape, Will Fetch, OPEC, Botched, MLP, Llama Llama, Skribble

YHC almost didn't show for this Qing gig… two nights before YHC pulled an all-nighter with a sick toddler and was anticipating more of the same the night before The Falcon. But, with some help from my M (who promised to take the 2.0) I was able to keep my commitment to Q. Seems like that's always how it is…we can keep commitments because we have other people watching our backs. Thanks to my lovely M, YHC was at The Falcon, ready to go at 5:30 am!

## Warm up
– SSH x 10 IC
– Seal Jacks x 10 IC
– Smurf Jacks x 10 IC
– Michael Phelps x 10 IC
– Manefort Good Mornings x 10 IC
– Slow Merkins IC

## The Main Event
The idea was to complete a traveling escalator in stages, from StartX down to the Woodcroft parking lot.
It was a rough start as YHC tried to remember the plan… but we managed to get going with:
– T-merkins x 2 SC
– Mountain climbers x 2 IC
– Plank jacks x 2 IC
– Dry Docks x 2 SC
– Sumo Squats x 2 IC
– Monkey Humpers x 2 SC
– Burpees x 2

With that foundation, we bear crawled to the end of the parking lot, and repeated everything above, with 4 reps

We safely crossed the street, and mosied to a bank parking lot where we repeated everything above, with 8 reps.

Finally, we mosied to the Menchies parking lot, and while dreaming of frozen yogurt, we reached the top of the escalator mountain with 16 reps.
We slowed down the burpees and did them all together.

At this point, we wanted to stick around and enjoy the view, so we mosied to the pull up bars and completed 3 rounds of 5 pulls ups + run to Ace Hardware and back.
This particular routine is nostalgic to YHC, since my second time posting to F3 was at the Falcon, and I nearly spilled merlot after this exact routine. 5 years later, I'm proud to say that I can do it without hurling. Stick with the crazy F3 crowd long enough, and your mind and body toughen up!

On the way back we were running out of time, so we did one round of 8 reps then skipped the rest of the down escalator.

## Mary
Sumo Squats x 10 IC
X Factors x 21 IC

## CoT
Remember the Quarterly Report and THE BULL!

Thanks for the invitation to Q, OPEC! Always a good time at The Falcon!