09/23/2022 West End – Vacant Parking Lots & DNs

September 23, 2022

WHEN: 09/23/2022
QIC: Homegrown Berry
PAX: Igloo, Mueller, Elwood, Catskill (Respect), Slug (Respect), Oatmeal (Respect), Yo Yo, Spelunker, Puddles, Fat Tire, Nightshift, Nacho Libre, Galileo (Respect), Wham-O

YHC saw a Q opening a few weeks back and wanted to snag it up. Honored to lead the 61min ME.

Five rolled back to the AO returning from EC Spartan Training (grip & pull up work) as 10 others were awaiting the ME to start.

SSH x 10IC
WMH x 10IT
SSH x 10IC
Reverse x 10IC
SSH x 10IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x 10IC
Slow Merkins x 10IT
SSH x 10IC
Intro of Bodybuilders x 5IT (8count)
SSH x 10IC
Bodybuilders x 5 OYO

Mozy round back to vacant parking lot #1

Thang 1: Form Failure
PAX circled up
Merkin form demo – full motion is chin ,chest, & waist touches ground at same time to full arm extension at top
PAX were instructed to perform AMRAP merkins until form broke down or tempo stopped. PAX ran the circle encouraging other PAX
Squat jump demo – full motion is tricep touching knee on the down and hands OH, feet off the ground at the top
PAX were instructed to perform AMRAP squat jumps until form broke down or tempo stopped. PAX ran the circle encouraging other PAX
x2 except bear crawl after form failure

I believe somewhere amidst the first run after form failure, we met our DN (disgruntled neighbor). She popped out from the back of a wall to inform us that we were in a residential neighborhood. YHC respectfully apologized and we continued on. I was told this was not the first time she had joined a workout.

Mozy to vacant parking lot #2

First meet up spot was aborted as I was informed that we had now gotten even closer to our DN's house and it was only one good loogie distance away through the woods. We moved to the other side of the parking lot but YHC would not let our DN change the plan and parking lot grade potential (ie you can't bernie sanders down a hill).

Thang #2: Heart Rate (Squared) Up
5 bodybuilders OYO
High knee skips to down parking lot
Side shuffle left (touch ground every 2nd shuffle)
Sprint up
Side shuffle right (touch ground every 2nd shuffle)
Repeat x 5 subtracting 1 bodybuilder every round

5 bodybuilders OYO
Frog hops down
Side plank walks left
Bernie Sanders up
Side plank walks right
Repeat x 5 subtracting 1 BB every round (YHC called it after 3 rounds due to time)

Mozy to vacant parking lot #3

Thang #3 Maintain Balance/Control
Pistol squats x 10IT (switch legs)
Blades of Steel x 10IC
Forward Lunge Walk to other curb (lunge on OUT command, hold balance at top)
Fit 4 Moms x 20IC
Bent Over Flys x 15IC
Reverse Lunge Walk to other curb (lunge on OUT command, hold balance at top)

1 PAX to bushes (Merlot was spilled)


Ring of Fire Merkin PAX Spelling
YHC did a merkin for each letter of SITEQYOYO while others held plank
YoYo did merkins for another PAX and it repeated until all names were spelled
YoYo was called out many times due to either:
1) we think YoYo needs more merkins than everyone else
2) we can't think of anyone else other than YoYo
3) or maybe he has a short name

AYG back to AO

Quarterly Report: Saturday, Oct 1st led by @zook and the Chatham crowd
The Bull: Saturday, Oct 29th
Check Slack for full details on these CSAUPs
YoYo is drinking a beer at 430pm today at Craftboro. He would like friends. I think Slug agreed.



We are blessed to be able to do a burpee (or better yet a bodybuilder)! Help others! AYE