08/16/2023 The Earl – Downtown Pittsboro is busier than anticipated but now that busy

August 16, 2023

WHEN: 08/16/2023
QIC: Guesstimator
PAX: VanGough, Imposter, Crotch Rocket, Cucumber, Brotox, Spartan, Paper Jam, Provolone, Siesta, Sonic, Pearl, Monte

Several PAX showed up for some EC which consisted of some Audioslave radio on Pandora, jump ropes and kettlebells!
Once 5:30 rolled around, the PAX did a fantastic job leading their favorite warm up exercise, we got to imposter, which was most of the way around the circle then started mosying (see attached map for our predetermined route).
At intersections we did some carolina dry docks, bernie sanders, absolutions (thanks Monte!) merkins, johny dramas, fertiles.
We landed at the center of circle city where the PAX once again led us in their favorite core strengthening exercises (AKA Mary) and this time we did make it around the entire circle.
From there we had a few minutes to spare (hey that rhymed) so we moseyed back to the AO where we did some final stretching.
Next up we had a few anncounments, such as an upcoming event at the local VFW, fundraising and opeartion updates for Homegrown Berry (we'll be thinking about you, brother), a reminder to reach out to folks you may have not heard from in awhile (whether its male or female, loneliness in general is a real concern) and last but not least, a mention of next Tuesday (8/22) is the OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF JURRASIC PARK).
We ended with name-o-rama and COT.
Thanks, men!