03/07/2022 The Eagle – Strength and Cardio

March 9, 2022

WHEN: 03/07/2022
QIC: Cherry baked
PAX: Max Power, Crash Cart, Hutz, Scribble, Yurt, Bellhop, Dogwood, Cosmo, red tape, Swamp, Count Chocula, and one more pax that I have a hard time remembering.

YHC getting ready for Rambler Ruck, lots of movement, walking with a weighty Backpack made me think about in-place strength and cardio type of Workout.
We started the ME with a short warmup.
10 Good Morning IC, 10 WMH IC, 10 IW IC, 10 HB IC, 10 Arm circle IC, and then reverse, we ended up our warmup with 20 SSH IC.
Grabbed the coupons that our Site Q legendary MaxPower collected from the Lowes and left them at the AO the night before. It was very nice of him to do that on a Sunday Night.

We did a couple of exercises in place for three rounds.
15 Curle
15 Over Head press
15 Tricep pull
5 Burpees OYO
15Mountain Climber
15 Bent over row left hand
15 Bent over row right hand
15 Deadlift
15 LBC
20 Flutter kick
25 Plank jack
YHC led the first round; MaxPower, Hutz, Count, and Swamp helped me lead throughout the ME.
We returned the coupons and circled back up to finish the ME by 20 WW2, 15 ankle touch, and 15 bridges.
Bellhop took us out by appreciating all we have and praying for people in Ukraine.