02/17/2022 Tobacco Road – 40 the hard way

February 17, 2022

WHEN: 02/17/2022
QIC: My Little Pony
PAX: Bellhop, Cherry Baked, Weed N Feed, Thirstay, Cardiac, Loonie, Count Chocula, Knope, Pallino, Fiddlestick, Floyd

YHC turned 40 yesterday and a milestone birthday makes one look back and reflect on the years.

One particularly vivid memory that inspired today's Q was when I had an incorrectly printed Daily Sports Calendar in the 3rd grade that today me that I shared a birthday with Michael Jordan. This a huge point of pride which 9-year-old YHC loudly boasted about. That is until a classmate brought in multiple Michael Jordan cards clearly proving that MJ's real birthday is February 17th (today) and not the 16th like YHC. A great lesson in humility was learned that day.

Anyway, so I decided to use my/MJ's birthday Q to honor many famous people whose birthdays are AROUND YHC's.

SSH x 20, LBAC x 10, Reverse x 10, GM x 10, Hillbilly x 10, WMH x 10, Squats x 20

1st birthday of note Billy Joe Armstrong of Green Day, whose song Boulevard of Broken Dreams was used once upon a time as the namesake of an exercise by a PAX name Kim Jong-Still (and coincidentally his namesake Kim Jong-il was also born on Feb 16 apparently) – Boulevard of Broken Dreams was a long bear crawl down a walkway, stopping at each column of the overhang to do 5 Carolina Dry Docks. We executed a reasonable facsimile of this around the concession stand complex. Plank variations until everyone finishes.

Mosey over to the field for 40 reps of exercises associated with other birthdays this week:
Lupe Fiasco – Lunges ("Kick Push" is a skateboarding song describing a lunge like motion on the board…we could have done skaters, but YHC's lack of rhythm makes those too embarrassing to Q)
Gaileo – Star Jumps, because astrology and what not
Chris Farley – Sumo Squats replicating his "in a van down by the river" character, who got a good wide and low squat going for his passionate soliloquies.
1/2 field lap – mosey pace
Ice T – T merkins, get it?
Levar Burton – "Rainbows" for the Reading Rainbow hosts – sitting position, lean back at 45 degree angle with hands flat on ground, legs straight, lift legs in rainbow arch over imaginary block from right to left and back again
1/2 field lap – mosey pace
David Goggins – Navy Seal, author, endurance athlete, professional badass, someone you'd want in your "foxhole" – so foxholes
MJ – arguably his most famous dunk was taking off from free throw line in dunk contest in Chicago – we tried to jump a long way with 40 broad jumps
John McEnroe – famous for arguing with refs and iconic image of him with his hands behind his head in disbelieve at their calls – mirrored that 40 Surrenders (as Knope said, the Maktar Ndiaye of squats)
Lou Diamond Phillips – Diamond Merkins obviously

Mosey to mid-field and circled up around the center circle making a "birthday cake"
We put candles on our cake with 40 Candlesticks – kind of reverse burpee where you do a heels to heaven and rock up to standing for a jump lifting hands over heads

Back to the flag for COT
Count asked about Castaway and got the report that he's under the weather. Feel better soon brother!
Reminder about the Wolf CSUAP in Hillsborough this Saturday morning