02/12/2022 The Falcon – Liars Poker with The Falcon

February 13, 2022

WHEN: 02/12/2022
QIC: Boucher
PAX: 2Ply, Amphibious, Banana Slug, Bells, Botched, Champ, Draper, Fiddle Stick, Foot Joy, Grandpa Ninja, Legally Blond, Misery, Ocho, OPEC, Prancing Horse, Red Tape, Swamp, Yurt

YHC was excited to Q at the Falcon where he had been the site Q for several years. Due to busy times at work and increasing sleep debt, YHC had been unable to regularly participate in Man Makers EC, but was able to get enough zzzs to join Botched and OPEC for a solid three rounds with a lolipop at the end, while Two Ply, Footjoy and Amphibous got a EC Run in.

YHC had recently recalled the Michael Lewis Book – Liars Poker – which was intended to be a cautionary tale about the unsustainable world of Wall Street from the early 80s – not knowing that the unsustainability he decried would become even more crazy over the ensuring 34 years. Michael discovered that his book actually enticed many who read the book to seek their fortune on Wall Street.

YHC had placed a bunch of $1 bills at the cinder block pile prior to EC. YHC tried to keep up with Botched and OPEC with the Man Makers EC and was excited to see the PAX in attendance on a cool dry morning grow to near 20. We started with a standard warm up.

Warm up
SSH IC x 10
IW IC x 10
Slow Merkins IC x 10
WMH IC x 10
Arm Circles forward, backward, big, little IC x 20

PH showed up late and as we were talking about the derivation of Yurpees (https://f3nation.com/exicon/entry/3579/?pagenum=8&gvid=398721), we did 5 Spiderman Burpees. We then we found some wall for balls to the wall ALAP (As Long As Possible) and the PAX were instructed to line up (physically distanced) once they dismounted and plank until the last PAX came down. We counted off by 10s (YHC intended to count of by 9s, but confused himself with YHC being the 19th Pax – luckily we easily adjusted). We did 100 Johnny Dramas to get the blood back down to our lets.

We fellowship jogged down Garrett, then to the lower lot and the PAX were directed to line up 6 feet across from the other PAX that had their number and assume a low squat hold for a best of three – paper, rock, scissors, with the winning PAX directing the losing PAX to do 10 reps of whatever exercise he wanted. Then the winner of that game went on to play the winner of the game next to them and the losing players got in a low squat hold and cheered on their guy. The game crescendoed with OPEC besting banana slug and the grew got to do 10 Yurpees. This was a warm up to the real game.

The PAX were then directed to grab a cinder block and two dollar bills for which to gamble. The PAX then resumed their positions and played liars poker:
Wagering on the frequency of digits appearing in the serial numbers of U.S. paper currency.
In each round, players take turns proposing an ever-increasing number of digits (e.g., a sequence may involve: three 5s, three 6s, four 5s, etc.).
The game proceeds until somebody calls out the previous proposal as being a "lie." If such a sequence exists (e.g., there are four or more 5s between all the serial numbers held) the person who announced the proposal wins. If there are not that many (i.e., there are only three 5s), then the one who called out the hand wins.

The Winning PAX won the chance to tell the losing PAX to do the frequency times the number of exercises of their choice, then went on to play the winner of the game next to them and the losing players got in a low squat hold and cheered on their guy. The game crescendoed with Bells winning with 4 7s and all the money. Bells had us do 28 exercises of his choice.

We replaced the cinder blocks and proceeded to the guard rail or 2 sets of 7 dips in cadence and 2 set of 7 derkins or a total of 28.

We then moseyed back to the startex for


28 IC flutter kicks
28 Heels to Heaven.


Prayers and encourage supporting

Please watch this video:


and sing up for the event or a donation by 2/24 – https://roundupforrehab.maxgiving.events/about-us

Prayers to Harbaugh and Crashcart send a note of support.
