Working our way to a Yurpee circuit

June 28, 2019

WHEN: 06/28/2019
PAX: Wreckitralph, Miestro, Band Camp, Prancing Horse, Pedialyte, Bell’s, Maple Mamba, Yurt, Avalanche, Pikachu, ExhibitA, Nails, Botched, Driftwood, Sawtooth, TOK (FNG), Scurvy, Footjoy, OPEC, (2 more?)

4 PAX knocked a few MMEC sets and 21 PAX made it out into the gloom for the ME. YHC has Q’d the Falcon a few times and was ready to try something new. Well, if you ever find yourself in a similar position or are just trying to grab some inspiration for your next Q, the Exicon is a great place to go. It is filled with all sorts of juicy options that are sure to get the PAX excited. Enter the Yurpee. More to follow on that later. Let’s get to work.


  • SSH IC x25 (regular)
  • Willie Mays Hayes IC x10
  • Hillbilly’s IC x20
  • SSH IC x25 (fast)
  • Merkins IC x20, go right into Slow Merkins IC x5
  • Mosey around Jordan (via Garrett rd.) to the far entrance off Garrett

The Thang:

  • Phase 1: Far hill
    • Round 1:  Lunge walk/bear crawl
      • PAX will lunge walk from entrance to the speed limit sign at the top of the hill
      • Drop into a bear crawl and crawl down the hill to the bottom near the tree
      • Low squat hold for the 6
    • Round 2: Backwards run/crawl bear
      • Backwards run back up the hill to the speed limit sign
      • Crawl bear back down
      • Low squat hold for the 6
  • Phase 2:  The straightaway
    • Round 1: Sprint
      • All out sprint to the far light post (full length of straightaway)
      • Drop, American Hammers x25
      • All out sprint back to start, plank it out for the 6
    • Round 2: Shuffle
      • Shuffle to half way, swith directions, shuffle to the end
      • Drop, WWIIs x25
  • Phase 3:  The Yurpee circuit
    • A Yurpee is a Burpee with a little flair.  PAX will complete a Burpee, but the merkin at bottom of burpee is a clap-merkin and on up portion there are 2 tuck jumps per burpee. Yipee!
    • Run up to the traffic circle, 5 Yurpees
    • Run up to the gate, 5 Yurpees
    • Run back down to traffic circle, 5 Yurpees
    • Finish at the traffic circle
  • Phase 4: I-beam time
    • Mosey to the I beam
    • AMRAP pull ups
    • 1 min BTTW

Mary: Admittedly, we should have done another round of Phase 4, but hey, that just means we get to spend a little more time with our good friend, Mary.

  • Plank hold – 30 sec
  • Outlaws (L) IC x10
  • Plank hold – 30 sec
  • Outlaws (R) IC x10
  • Freddy Mercury IC x25
  • Mountain climbers IC x20
  • Peter Parker Peters (R) IC x10
  • Peter Parker Peters (L) IC x10

Announcements/Prayer requests: None


Today is a great day to be part of F3. YHC was shocked at how many new faces emerged from the gloom today and how many of them were coming back for their second, third, fifth post. We did have one FNG, TOK (the other Kardashian). Welcome to the family, brother! What we have is catching on and people are coming back. For the newer folks, YHC would encourage you to step up and lead, if you haven’t already. Grab hold of one of the PAX who has Q’d before and ask him to help you out. No doubt, he will jump at the opportunity.

As we move into the week of the 4th of July, keep in mind the meaning of the holiday and the significance of the signing of the Declaration of Independence 243 years ago. Our nation’s Independence has had an incredible impact on all of us, and the rest of the world. I hope that we continue to be “the shining city on the hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.”