Wimbledon at The Wall

July 8, 2022

WHEN: 07/08/2022
QIC: Zook
PAX: Marky Mark, Nighthawk, PaperJam, Dueling Banjos, Hal, Quint, DeWater, Turkey Jerky

Today we celebrated the last Friday of Wimbledon at #thewall. Thanks to Quint and Marky Mark for wearing white along with YHC. Rest of the guys need to get their junk together


  • Willie Mayes Hayes x 10
  • Windmills x 10
  • Good Mornings X 10
  • Michael Phelps x 10
  • Arm circle but in form of forehand and backhand swings X10

Main Event

  • Head to tennis courts and shuffle around all courts
  • Suicide #1 jack webb style, 5 overhead press, run 1 court, 5 merkins, then back. 3 courts so next court 10 and 10, 3rd court 15 and 15, do this 2 times
  • Tabata line jumps, 6 rounds; 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
  • Line up on service line, each PAX bear crawls to net and crawl bears back then leads PAX in 3 merkins
  • Suicide #2 squats and johnny dramas, 5 , run 1 court, 5 , then back. 3 courts so next court 10 and 10, 3rd court 15 and 15, do this 2 times
  • Suicide #3 PAX choice, pick a mode of travel, must do that mode there and back but has to be a different type for each court


  • Freddy Mercuries X 10
  • Heels to heaven X 10
  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Shoulder tapes X 10
  • Plank jacks x 10
  • Kornikovas X 10

Announcements/Prayer Requests

  • Pray we can get a handle on gun violence in this country


  • Hal should set his alarm two minutes earlier
  • Banjos had a crush on Steffi Graf
  • Veronica Vaughn
  • There is only one answer to the question, “who was your favorite tennis player”


Thanks for coming out today guys. Its nice to do a themed workout every once in a while and to try something new.  I encourage you to try something new with family or friends and maybe you will end up loving it. My 2.0 and I have been loving watching Wimbledon this week even though we have no idea whats going on. Until next time, aye!