Wheelbarrows for Spring

April 5, 2019

WHEN: 04/02/2019
QIC: Brotox
PAX: Kubota, Smithers, Rebar, Yanni, Boyardee, Catskill

Rebar played the role of Duplo this morning, coming in hot at 0531.


SSH x25 IC

Arm Circles, Forward x10 IC, Reverse x10 IC

Good Mornings x10 IC

Mosey around the circle

The Thang

  1. Ladder:

10 Burpees, mosey around the circle with a stop at the halfway point for SSH x25 IC.

20 Merkins, mosey around the circle with a stop at the halfway point for overhead clap x25 IC.

30 Mountain Climbers, mosey around the circle with a stop at the halfway point for SSH x25 IC.

40 Squats, mosey around the circle with a stop at the halfway point for overhead clap x25 IC.

50 LBCs, mosey around the circle with a stop at the halfway point for SSH x25 IC.

  • Partner up for Wheelbarrow around the circle, switching as necessary
  • Partner up for alternating People’s Chair and WWII x25, four rounds total


American Hammers x20 IC

Freddy Mercury x20 IC


The Gambler II, April 6

Run for Malawi, April 5-6


Get out and find leadership opportunities.  Look for ways to provide leadership opportunities for others.  Aye!