YHC pulled inspiration (stole ideas) from a couple past Big House workouts, one led by Chum and one by Paperjam. The structure of using the two intersecting parkways at the traffic circle as spokes of a wheel to guide the flow of activity was lifted cleanly from Paperjam, while Thing 2 below was plagiarized almost verbatim from a portion of a Chum workout.
In choosing to delegate most of the day’s cadence counting to the PAX, YHC managed to do very little at all, either in preparation or execution of this Q.

We begin this day as we always do: in the name of the side shuffle hop…
- SSH x 30 IC
- WMH x 10 IC
- Hillbillies x 20 IC
- LBAC x 20 (all the ways)
- Slow Squats x 9
- Slow Merkins x 9 – See, I did that on purpose
Thing 1 – upper body, pool bod, glamour muscles
We moseyed around the first spoke of the wheel and circled up in the middle of the traffic circle on the grass.
Counting duties were shared around the circle for the following Pyramid of alternating Merkins and Overhead Claps – I’m glad I took out the 25 rep peak from this one!
- Merkins x 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5 OMD
- OHC x 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5 IC
We moseyed to the end of the second spoke of the wheel and found some curb – sharing the cadence-counting duties (more doodies will be shared later), we performed this pyramid, alternating exercises:
- Curb dips x 5, 10, 15, 10, 5 IC
- Johnny Dramas x 5, 10, 15, 10, 5 IC
Thing 2 – Explosive movements
We moseyed back uphill to the middle of the traffic circle and formed into 4 groups of 4 (one group had 3 and Dive got an extra opportunity to run (fun!))
While 1 person ran a lap up the third spoke, turning at the first cut-over street, others performed AMRAP:
- Bonnie Blairs (slow but explosive)
- Flutter kicks (easy)
- Jump squats (slow but explosive)
With the return of each runner, the PAX rotated exercises.
Thing 3 – Step ups and short hill sprint (not a partner carry)
The PAX split into two groups in an attempt to find the perfectly sized step-up height on the slightly arching stone walls in the center of the traffic circle.
- Step ups – 3 sets of 15 (IC) – short rest between
Next, we jogged down to the first cut-over on the fourth spoke, and high-tailed it back to the AO to circle up. Paperjam used this spoke once upon a time (and a very different time it was, indeed) to call the 1st F/2nd F joy known as the partner carry.
- Flutter kicks x 20 IC
- American Hammers x 20 IC*
- Bows and Toes Ring of Fire: 5 count from each of 15 PAX
*Being still somewhat new to F3, YHC is not yet the greatest in the history of all PAX at counting cadence. An event occurred during the counting of cadence for the American Hammers that put my focus and resolve to the test.
In flagrant ignorance of a federal trademark^ held by Taco John’s since 1989, albeit with limited success enforcing, Cricket’s family evidently partook in this privately owned tradition and he arrived at today’s post with a message to deliver to his surrounding PAX during Mary. As YHC counted, PAX began to laugh, keel over, stand up and rub their eyes, and screw up their faces in disgust. YHC kept focus on counting a perfect cadence, all the while scanning the faces of the affected PAX to be sure no one was in serious trouble, until YHC saw the clear look of guiltless amusement on Cricket’s face. Cadence count was finished flawlessly; American Hammers, for some in the group, have never been worse.
^Currently, the U.S. patent office recognizes four trademarks related to tacos and Tuesdays: “Techno Taco Tuesday,” for an entertainment company in Las Vegas; “Tuesdays Were Made for Tacos at Rosa’s!” for a restaurant in Fort Worth; “Taco Tuesday,” for the Gregory Hotel in Somers Point, N.J. (applicable only in the state of New Jersey); and the 1989 trademark held by Taco John’s (applicable throughout the United States, except in New Jersey).
- 2nd F tonight at 8PM at The Wall. Bring your own beverage, chair, and measuring tape or pool-noodle social distancing contraption.
- The Solstice Saunter 5 mile race will be held on Tuesday, June 23rd at 5:30AM at The Rabbit. We’re hoping for some big numbers!
- Waterguns will be provided by Chum on the morning of Tuesday, June 23rd
BOM (not a BOM)
Thanks to all for giving me the opportunity to lead today. With all the uncertainty in our country, there are a lot of things that are well outside our control affecting our lives. Be sure to keep a firm grasp on the things within our control such as the bonds of fellowship we have in our group, the relationships we have in our families, and the open and civil communication that is important in maintaining these friendships and keeping a happy household! Aye